is to love and be loved.
Sunday, September 28, 2008 ( 11:59 PM )
It's a few minutes to the 3rd week of IPP,
wow, time really flies.
I miss the boyfriend, who's away in Boon Lay,
on virtually the other side of the damn island,
while I'm here weeping, feeling miserable,
actually looking forward to leaving and going to work every morning.
Looking forward to leaving and just.. leaving it all behind me,
and putting my efforts into work.
And I'm down with the flu, with a fever.
I think my body can't adapt to this, now,
work work work suddenly rest.
work work work suddenly rest. Hope I'll be better tomorrow.
She turned to him, shook his hands off her arm, glared right into his eyes.
His beautiful, beautiful eyes... full of hurt and pain and love and passion and so much more.
But she just felt waves of fear and sorrow come upon her shoulders, her heart pulsating in a morose beat she'd never felt before.
"Why can't you just let it go?" He reached out his hand to her, again.
She didn't seem to see it; she just collapsed on the floor, her palms splayed over her sobbing face. The rain washed them both, erasing traces of their tears, draining it away into nothingness.
After an eternity of tears and throbs, she drew a long, tired breath. He was still there, his hand outstretched, his eyes heavy.
"Do you know..."
she said, pushing herself off the grimy floor.
He stood, watching her. She did not take his hand.
"Do you know,"
she continued, standing up straight,
"what it feels like when your own mother doesn't want you anymore?"
Friday, September 19, 2008 ( 10:48 AM )
that I could live in New York,
studying in NY Film Academy,
or working in some skyscraper, for a big ass women's magazine.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 ( 10:26 PM )
And let's officially welcome the brand new start to IPP,
to a world that's sorely lacking of ponies, pink rainbows, glitter, smiling children, and a non-gay Barney (that people are not trying desperately to kill).
Goodbye my dear childhood,
your presence has served me well,
making me happy when things were downright miserable,
my childhood, my stupid LalaLand was my safe haven, my little escape when I didn't want to believe that evil existed in the world.
After all, we are all brought up, with fairytales, storybooks, kiddy TV shows, that all showcase the good side of the world. However we soon learn, as we mature, that life is never as simple as prancing around a field with a straw hat, a straw basket, collecting strawberries for our wolf and pig friends. Rather, the wolf and pigs collaborate, in a vicious attempt to steal your soul and sell it for five strawberries to feed their hunger, which is ever prevalent in this world.
Goodbye my dear school years,
now I, and many of my friends, will step into the next phase of our life,
starting out at the bottom rung of the worm-infested corporate ladder.
Maybe it's not all that bad,
maybe it's, after all, just the media being the media, highlighting ugly over good.
I will, nonetheless, miss the comfort and safety that you have given me, over the past twelve years. School was my security blanket, and my ticket to the good life for the future.
And I hope that two fridays ago wasn't the last day I stepped into/walked out of a school environment. I hope that university follows my poly graduation, honestly, and I hope life proves to be a happy route for me.
Goodbye my dear friends,
I will miss you all dearly.
Ones I became close to through TEP, ones I was close to all along,
and ones I was never close to,
I will miss you all the same.
Because you were all part of a great experience in my life,
that, quite unbelievably, I am quite reluctant to leave behind.
Perhaps for fear of what is to come,
perhaps for fear of the unknown.
But the fact remains that I will never forget what I've learnt behind those gray walls,
and I will never forget the people,
the happy times, the bad times, the sad times.
Goodbye, Laura, Jacintha, Shafinah, Priscilla, Iqah, Charlene,
and all my other friends.
I had fun, joy, laughter, stress (much of it -_-)..
And I will sorely miss TEP.
Coming to school late almost everyday,
sitting beneath a freezing aircon unit,
going for breakfast,
choking on food when I laugh,
starting work, looking forward to lunch,
having lunch at Koufu/Nihonmura/South,
and continuing work in the afternoon,
with tea treats like dewberries and chocolate from college bookstore.
And then, signing out equipment, looking for my go home buddies,
walking out to the bus stop,
laura gc-ing and running to the bus stop while i buy my nuggets,
and she's still there when I reach the bus stop, cursing and swearing.
and then my bus comes (still before hers HAHA)
and the short journey home, where I deflate,
only to tense up again when I have to squeeze out of the packed bus..
A night of work,
and sleep at 2/3/4am/no sleep,
and the cycle continues.
Goodbye, dear cycle.
Humans are never truly responsive to change, never truly accepting of it.
But I hope we all get through this huge change,
with serenity and success.
Good luck to all of you,
and have fun.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 ( 6:55 PM )