is to love and be loved.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 ( 9:57 PM )
Monday, June 23, 2008 ( 9:07 PM )

Thursday, June 12, 2008 ( 12:09 AM )
The red light of the sun,
slowly descending.
The sky is all I see,
it's never ending.
We could fly,
you and I.
On a cloud,
kissing, kissing.
The wind plays with the leaves,
the weather turns colder.
But as long as we believe,
love doesn't get older.
We could fly,
you and I.
On a cloud,
kissing, kissing.
On a journey of the heart,
there's so much to see.
And when the sky is dark,
you'll be right here,
right here with me.
Right here with me.
(Kissing, kissing)
(A journey of the heart)
Beautiful song from Sex & The City OST - i wish they'd bring the series here. :( I like the movie, I
And I miss your kiss.
Jac was so right - this is sooo my song. HAHA.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ( 10:23 PM )
His bunk mate, omg. :(NS recruit dies after fainting during training activity
Posted: 10 June 2008 1757 hrs
SINGAPORE: A 20-year-old national serviceman died in hospital, nearly two hours after he fainted during training on Pulau Tekong on Tuesday morning. Recruit Andrew Cheah Wei Siong from the Basic Military Training Centre fainted at 8.35am while he was taking part in a 2km walk training activity on the island. He was rushed to the medical centre and arrived within five minutes. He was given immediate medical attention by the doctors. At 9.24am, Mr Cheah was evacuated by helicopter to the Singapore General Hospital (SGH). The medical team from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) continued to resuscitate him en route. But, they failed to revive him and he was pronounced dead at 10.50am at SGH. MINDEF and the SAF extend their deepest condolences to his family. MINDEF says it will help the family in their time of grief and is investigating the incident. Mr Cheah is the second national serviceman to die suddenly this year. In January, 41-year-old Major Tan Yit Guan collapsed and died after a run with colleagues. Before those two cases, 25-year-old Captain Ho Si Qiu died after completing the 21km Singapore Bay Run in August last year. Heart specialist Michael Lim says there are two leading causes of sudden death in young adults. The first is an inherited condition that leads to thickening of the heart muscle which affects the heart's ability to pump blood. The second is myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle caused by an infection. Dr Lim says these conditions can be detected easily with an electrocardiogram or ECG. MINDEF says ECGs are carried out on all servicemen during the medical screening before they are enlisted. Although Andrew Cheah was slightly obese and had had asthma as a child, MINDEF says he passed the medical screening and was given a clean bill of health. - CNA/ir
I just hope they all will be okay..
Friday, June 06, 2008 ( 6:57 PM )
I was afraid,
and I just realised I'm afraid of marriage and responsibility
- laura and jacintha spat food out and laughed their knockers off at this :( -
Not to the point where I will shun it, cos I most definitely will not, but likewise for everything else, this thing needs a whole lot of mental preparation.
His going NS yesterday made me think (too much) and I realised the most strong emotion I felt wasn't sadness, nostalgia, or pride (all of which I feel too).. but the most strong emotion is fear.
Why, you ask?
Because I'm afraid of change, as much as I want to embrace it.
Yesterday marked the end of his teenhood. And I say it partially ended mine as well, because my life will be so different from now on..
We can't be carefree like we were before, not as much as before.. From this point onwards we have to be bothered with limitations from NS, work, and from there on forth, if or when we end up together (:)), family
My fear springs from this, and the thought of facing all the other factors that will come into play that we'll have to be responsible for. I'm afraid.
Talking to shafinah today, I found out how to not think about how sad I am, missing him, and instead concentrate on the good memories that we have =) like those long walks, long talks, lazy movie days, sit-down outings... Speaking of which I already miss all those...
But i didn't realise how to conquer my aforementioned fear. Not til just now..
I'll just have to put my trust and faith in this other person that i love..
Trust that he'll do his best to make this work out beautifully despite the setbacks and fears..
and faith that our love will withstand it all. :)
PS. Pfft, explains why I'm in such a foul mood today.
14 more days.
Thursday, June 05, 2008 ( 12:24 AM )
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 ( 5:42 PM )
You'll be out of the country tomorrow,
and I don't know if i'm mentally prepared :<
Sunday, June 01, 2008 ( 12:30 AM )
3 days til you go to NS,
and I'm excited but worried and nervous and scared,
and I'm sorry but happy that we both teared today cos we were sad that we have to be apart for so long. and I'm hoping these two years are a breeze, pass us by quickly, so that we can get married and have a truckload of kids, go to all those places we wanted to go every chance we get, have our first patches of white hair, see grandkids, laugh at past immaturities, and be fucking in love with each other til the day we die.
there, i said it,
words from the bottom of my heart.
I don't care if anyone says this is mushy or lovey-dovey or if i scare you away,
because I LOVE YOU,
and i'll miss you so much that my heart will ache..
i miss you already.
I had a great day today, with you at t2 & t3, laughing and crying and smiling and hugging. My first time at the airport in almost 16 years, and you've made it wonderful. :)
will post photos next chance i get, got a million photos to jack into my friend, Mr. Cyberspace. :D