is to love and be loved.
Thursday, May 29, 2008 ( 8:41 AM )
Yes, I use Hahas and Hees and Hehes and Lols and smileys as sms punctuation.
Monday, May 19, 2008 ( 9:08 PM )
Hello earth,
I have been playing Dream Chronicles 2 for the last 6 hours. Click click click until right index finger going to collapse into ashes. :)
Before I go back into game review madness/makeup tips delirium/popcorn hurling/duffy swearing, I came to say, I'M SO TIRED.
Spent the weekend with my goldfish, mostly him over at my place. The long walk on Saturday evening, excellent weather, good feelings all round. Sunday's What Happens in Vegas was excellent, I want to get the DVD like NOW so I can rewatch it. :D
My Korean drama ended last thursday.. Weekdays are now empty. :(
"Each wrinkle tells a story... A story that only both lovers know."
Friday, May 16, 2008 ( 3:01 PM )
now i know!
so happy! :)
a long ago pic of jacjac lesles lovelove and me. wahahahaha.

I love you
But I gotta stay true
My moral's got me on my knees
I'm begging please
Stop playing games
I don't know what this is
But you got me good
Just like you knew you would
I don't know what you do
But you do it well
I'm under your spell
You got me begging you for mercy
Why won't you release me?
You got me begging you for mercy
Why won't you release me?
I said release me
Thursday, May 15, 2008 ( 12:59 PM )
2 days to Nigel's 8th,
8 days til Laura's 19th,
15 days til the end of our print stopover,
21 days til he's off to the military,
and 32 days til my 19th.
Some :( and some :) .. But of course I'm looking forward to all of them as it means a damn good progress in life! And honestly speaking I'm really happy with my life as it is right now. Yay!
Fighting with my brother on Tuesday evening really opened my eyes - I don't want history to repeat itself, and I'll make sure all four of us survive very well through the shit life throws at us. I want my father and mother to have peaceful lives in a house that's more definitely a home, and I want my grandparents to have a healthy and happy retirement. I want all my siblings to have amazing educations and careers and families, and nephews and nieces who'll make my heart melt.
And thanks to people who've cheered me up and pushed me on when stress ate me up. Jacintha my poetic lesbian partner especially, lotsa loves. :)
And of course, I want my love with you, my sweet, to flourish and shimmer and persevere. It's a rainbow, yes it is. :) Can't wait to pinch you on saturday, muahaha.
And for people who live their life through lists,
go to for online list-making bliss. :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 ( 11:05 PM )
Yes, I am manipulative to some point, but you don't know me. So the world loves bitches, so he stuck with me for that? There actually is a book called Men Love Bitches. And I read it. And it's really very true. What's wrong with being a bitch? Better than being a slut.
You're the first person I've heard of who've given up completely on redeeming yourself, in terms of karma or whatever is the Christian reflection of karma.
If you yourself can safely say that you're just waiting and watching just to laugh at others,
then you're right, you're evil.
If there's anything I learnt in my 18 years, it's that one should never watch and wait for the demise or pain of another. I'm not an angel myself, but I want nothing to do with you.
I just want you to tell me this - have you ever met me before, in school or otherwise? I'm sure you'd recognize me, somehow, but I won't know who or how you look like.
That's all I need to know, and that's all there is. Don't know if you'll even say if you have, you might have not even seen me.
Monday, May 12, 2008 ( 9:47 AM )
What does it matter to you, even if we work out or fail?
If we fail, are you going to meet me somewhere and laugh in my face?
Let me ask you this - why do you even bother?
I told myself I wouldn't copy and paste like you did, but I have to-
You never loved, in the entire God-forsaken. You’ve clearly not know what love is. No one, in the name of God, betrays love. No one, in the eyes of Him, turns love into hatred regardless of anything.
Oh, I forgot. Scorpions, the deathliest.
And you forgot, the most saint.
And I forgot.. What’s your name again?
This was a long time ago, but who the hell are you to judge someone else, when you yourself show no remorse for what you did? Who are you to say he did not love, knows no love, and condemn him, or me?
You also forget that scorpions are candid creatures that sit at both extreme ends. While they are the deadliest, while they sting the most.. they are also the most passionate of the lot, the most devoted and the most lovely to hold hands with.
Yes, I am protecting him.
BITCH, i love my scorpion and i'll die by his sting anyday.
Baby, will you still want to come back?
You really got alot of cheek hor.
Hi girl
You better hope it’s not kami-sama, yours truly, you’re talking about.
I’ll kill.
And DUH i was talking about you. Yay! :)
You copied and pasted my profile,
and laughed at it. Very funny meh?
I know you secretly want to be a bitchy convent girl too right?
So this is the least I can do.
The best thing is that you show no remorse, like a murderer at his death pen, laughing.. right til the moment the rope slices his throat into two. Remorse for what, you say?
For stealing, cursing and spitting when you return the goods you thieved. You knew it belonged to someone else, but you went ahead. Not a word of sorry, I spoilt it for you at that point of time, hope you guys are okay already.
But no, selfish people don't say sorry. They just go around calling themselves weird Japanese names which I don't understand, and say it was a fling, and threaten to kill. And say they may or may not regret it one day. I don't care if you regret it. I just want you to leave me alone, forget about all this crap, and stop calling yourself weird names. And as a bonus, if you finally realise karma might catch up to you, say sorry.
But I guess, knowing my geminian self, since I said you didn't say sorry, you die also won't say sorry. Not that I care, but its the least you should realise in your life. That you did something bad. I shouldn't have been nice and said, we're both victims. I should have said, YOU'RE A FUCKING WHORE.
maybe one day, i'll regret saying that.
but you deserve it.
Sunday, May 11, 2008 ( 12:24 PM )

Contrary to popular belief, the species Homosapien de la Cherylene, also known as Cherylene, does not have a boring life. This species blogs, while playing games such as Doggie Dash, or Mahjong, or Turbo Subs, or Dai Di, or Uno in her very spare time. In other hours of the day, of which 5 to 6 are spent sleeping, she is at school working (most recently discovered to be honing her print and magazine skills) or at home resting with her family or out with her boyfriend (you ass), laughing to lame and ever precious jokes and anecdotes. Friends and social relationships, especially those with which she places in close proximity to her heart, are something she works hard on. Again, contrary to minimal belief, she isn't vulnerable to a loss of a relationship, in fact, she doesn't think the friendship is lost actually (in fact it's pretty okay, no damage there. did i even say its your fault?), its just that she is amused that someone actually bothered to reply about this lame shit. :) i am replying too, cos you replied. so i must reply right? check!
And just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, life is in the hands of a person.
I know what I have, I know how to keep it. Perhaps I lost it once, but now i know, and we'll do what it takes to make it work, cos we want it to work.
AND WHO THE FUCK CARES IF YOU'RE A GEMINI AS WELL? it's an insult to the geminian community, biatch. and wtf does 'I promised. I still have that honour I have to keep. From her parents.' mean? like my parents don't know like that. siao. :)
I know i said i'm trying to forgive you, but you're making things difficult by rebutting my swearing at you. Or perhaps I'm making things difficult for you by swearing at you. Wow, vicious cycle!
Ah, I'm wasting my life away here.
Here's the cover I designed on Friday, the deadline =x without highlight captions though, haha. the logo is damn ugly lah, wish we could change it entirely but we have to use the school's one.. ugh.
Coolness, I kinda like our magazine, actually. haha. can't wait for next edition, wish the entire tep was print lah. Not looking forward to studio production, hello block M! i miss the studio, actually. nuahing in the gallery. heehee.