is to love and be loved.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 ( 8:15 PM )
Monday, February 25, 2008 ( 8:25 PM )
I've heard it so many times before: Jessica Alba is hot.
Well, she is. :D
And I dreamt of her last night, probably because I've been seeing her name and face everywhere because of the new The Eye movie coming out that she stars in. And she was featured on today's telecast of the Tyra Show, heh.
And wasn't The Eye a Singapore movie?
Eye spy then,
Eye spy now.
This makes Jessica Alba the first Hollywood star who's been in two local "productions"!
1. Tiger Beer Ad, and
2. The Eye remake! =D
On another brighter note,
like turbo pizza, cradle of rome, chocolatier, wedding dash (there's a teensy loading problem with wedding dash and i can't seem to play it though :( ), jojo's fashion show, dream chronicles, turbo pizza, yada yada...
all your favourite games, unlimited play, absolutely free.
of course, there's the teensy problem, again, that we have to view ads every now and then during game play - but heck! it's free! x)
there's about 40 or so games in the free game play, in game ads category, most of which are top rated games.
and no, i'm not getting paid for this.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 ( 4:09 PM )
Things I want to do, and places I wanna go in this lifetime, in random order:
1) Skydiving
2) Bungee Jumping
3) Learn to snorkel, and go snorkelling in Australia's Great Barrier Reef (or someplace relatively safe)
* 4) Go on an African safari with Singita
* 5) Go backpacking in the US, shopping in New York, with a coat and a walk through Central Park, and a road trip thereafter to L.A., with detours to Texas and Lousiana, for some jazz
* 6) Waking up from under white sheets, in the arms of loved one, to see the sunrise in a tropical paradise like Hawaii
7) Hiking in rural China, walking down the length of the Great Wall
* 8) Spend Christmas in New York/Korea
9) Skii-ing in Korea, shopping in Seoul
10) Plant a tree in the Caribbean, tie a letter to it marking it as mine, and bring my children back to a huge tree 30 years later
11) Running through the brick streets of Paris/Rome
12) Touching the stone walls of the Colosseum
13) Visiting my friend Mariam, whom I have sadly lost contact with, in Egypt
* 14) Rock a car somewhere in a field, under the stars, along to the tunes from a beat-up radio
* 15) Paint from a balcony
* 16) Learn to play the piano, and master a ballad
* 17) Cruise down Scotland's Loch Ness Lake (did I get that right?) and try to snap a peekture of its resident monster/prehistoric creature.
and so much more,
i don't even know if i'll earn enough money in my entire lifetime to do all these. :)
Note: Activities marked with a * denote things I must do in my life. :D
I haven't done something that I felt personally happy from, like painting, or sculpting, or doing my nails up nicely, in a long time.
Maybe I should do that soon.
I just feel like going on a holiday in somewhere with zero technology (save flush toilets), lose contact from the world for a while, to clear my head, my thoughts, just go out and pull some inspiration. I wish I had the moolah to do so, and maybe I'll do that soon. Or when the parents permit it, when I turn 21.
I wish the world would leave me for a while.
Let's go to the park,
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Me: How come ah, when you cut a chicken, no blood flow out huh?
Brother: The blood teleport to the newborn chicken mah.
Me: .......
(sister walks in)
Me: Eh, how come when you cut chicken, got no blood flowing one huh?
Brother: Blood teleport to newborn chicken lah!
Sister: Huh? Blood teleport to war kitten?
See what kind of lame asses I live with.
Monday, February 18, 2008 ( 10:16 PM )
He had school on Valentine's itself, so we did the bulk of our celebrations the day before.
After much "aiya you so fickle" and "can decide anot *piak*", we decided to lunch in AMK before heading to Plaza to watch Sweeney Todd. (We'd wanted to catch 27 Dresses, actually, but the screening on that day was too late.)
Okay, so we ordered everything that was supposed to have cheese on it, but still.
On to Plaza, where we caught Sweeney Todd, and where I hung on to his sleeve for dear life, and alot of times had his palm on my eyes because, oh, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but the thought of me being grinded up into meat pies is not very pleasant. ^^
Back to AMK, where we shopped for ingredients, and then back to HG, where he cooked dinner for me. I made a mess of mutton curry, nothing like the one my mom cooks, but at least it was edible. :D Sausages, gyeozas, coleslaw, potatoes, chicken, and rice.
Special, beautiful dinner.
Thursday, 14 February 2008
He calls me at 9 fricking AM to wake me up, tells me to go plant my butt at the door and wait. I am sleepy, but I oblige.
12 red rose stalks, a bear, a box of chocolates, and a card.

It's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me, sending me things like this; I'd never received a bouquet of flowers, delivered to me, before.
Chocolates were downed in a few minutes because I hadn't had breakfast, my brother gobbles down the last one.
He comes over for dinner, and we have a simple dinner, Indian food, my favourite, in my neighbourhood, and then he spends time over at my place for the rest of Valentine's Day.


Thanks for the sweet Valentine, my love.
May all our Valentines (together, hopefully) be just as sweet.
let's go to the park, i wanna kiss you underneath the stars; maybe we'll go too far, we just don't care. you know I love it when you're loving me, sometimes its better when its publicly; i'm not ashamed, i don't care who sees, just hugging and kissing our love exhibition all. we'll rendevouz on the fire escape, i like to set up an alarm today; the love emergency don't make me wait. just follow i'll lead you, i urgently need you...
i'll tell the world i'm in love anytime

i think i'm going crazy! :(
Sunday, February 17, 2008 ( 3:34 PM )
"I'm so naive.
He made promises he couldn't keep.
I would've felt better if he hadn't said those things.
I want very much to believe those things he said."
- Kim Sam Shun, My Lovely Sam Shun
Do you feel hurt when this happens? Or is it just me?
Do you feel like shit when you feel like what you have may be slipping away to someone else?
Saturday, February 16, 2008 ( 7:37 PM )
9 Feb 08, 12:15
~stranger: wah.. u like tt nv gif mi hint hw i noe sia..cannot like tt wan wor.. n hw u find my blog sia??
10 Feb 08, 00:28
stranger: haha hmmm.. dun need to really noe who i am de ba let it be a mystery wor i'll be a stranger to u de n i'll just tag in ur blog always de haha
10 Feb 08, 00:49
~stranger: but joke lehz.. wad for make it so mystery?? y cannot say lehz?? we are enemy ar??
10 Feb 08, 00:51
stranger: haha maybe we are maybe we aren't haha lol hmmm.. just let it be man haha lol hmmm.. i'm curious who is that guy u stated in ur post on 3rd of Feb
11 Feb 08, 01:37
stranger: haha wat is strange man? lol erm... mind letting me noe who is tat guy from the post on 3rd feb
11 Feb 08, 15:46
~stranger: u really wanna tag in my tagbox everyday ar??
11 Feb 08, 15:47
stranger: haha y not sia lol it just takes a little less than 5 mins man lol
16 Feb 08, 10:50
stranger: wa dun say till like tat lehz i where got tat bad haha knot be friends mehz lol haha must tink till i so cruel mehz
you don't even tag my blog continuously. and it's "little less than 5 mins" what, hor.
and why must you ask who the guy in the post is? it is OBVIOUSLY crystal clear that it is you. EVEN I, THE STUPID PERSON WITHOUT A BRAIN, KNOWS.
and gotta play hard-t0-get too hor, cannot let anybody know who you are, secret agent man.
i'm not being jealous, or maybe i am, but why should i waste my time, energy on such a useless, pathetic activity. it just pains me that you're making so much effort for someone from the past, without my knowledge.
thinking back, i realise why i was so pissed.
i know i said i would forget it, but honestly lah. this is bloody ridiculous.
i know that once you read this post, you'll get angry that i got angry over what you would deem such a small matter, i know you'll say i think too much, but everything always has a subconscious meaning; i know you're gonna get sarcastic.
if you had just had the respect to tell me, even though it's now just a friend, i wouldn't even have batted an eyelid.
i would not have cared at all. at all.
i don't wanna think so much about it.
you go do whatever you want, go on, i'm not saying you should stop. it's not that i don't trust you. i dunno how to explain it lah. but honestly, i don't know if you'll ever understand.
Saturday, February 09, 2008 ( 7:06 PM )
Someone save my soul from the pre-empted post-school and pre-work/mid-work-searching-during-the-holidays BOREDOM.
p.s. cny sucked. :(
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 ( 3:02 PM )

Sunday, February 03, 2008 ( 12:53 AM )
1. Thou shalt buyeth thy lady food and sustenance
It is scientifically (okay, maybe not) proven that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Does a woman's skills in the kitchen reflect upon her skills in another part of the house, then?
That would be a discussion for another day, but for today...
Did the person who invented this fine theory forget that women/girls/old grannies have stomachs, too? And that a well-fed person is a happy and non-grumpy one.
So feed me, and I will be happy. Donuts, chicken, fish, mushroom soup, sambal kangkong. The likes. If it is a) edible, b) something I do not have an allergy to, and c) doesn't look like shit mush, I will appreciate it.
Bonus points if what you present me with is a favorite food or something you (strivingly) made yourself. Or from somewhere really far away or with really long queues.
2. Thou shalt perform sweet deeds
... In the sense of being sweet to a girl, and doing everything you can think of to please her. Best served with a tankful of affection and surprise. Like, surprising her with thoughtful gifts (or food), a love letter, or just surprising her by showing up when its unexpected of you to do so.
Because, repeat after me, girls love surprises.
3. Thou shalt smear sugar on thy mouth
Compliment your girl whenever possible. Because once upon a time, nothing was sweeter to a person's ears than his or her name (and it still is, so don't forget my name) but times have changed and people live and evolve, and now nothing is sweeter than a sweetened word or phrase.
So gimme some sugar.
Figurative sugar anyway. Though it wouldn't hurt to kiss sweet lips! :)
4. Thou shalt watcheth chick flicks with thy lady
We watch action movies and movies like resident evil : extinction with you and hang on to your sleeve for dear life (doesn't that make you feel macho? bet it does :) and continue watching those darned movies with you. (someone should smack those Hollywood producers.)
But mention these two words - chick. flick. - and you're outta there before anyone can say, pink.
Where's the justice in this world man! *sighs*
I have an ambition to have a showcase cabinet full of chick flick movies. And watching it on movie nights will not be ruled out. ^^
5. Thou shalt spend time with thy lady's family
Since you have come this far, and you're serious about this lady, then you shalt put time out from your acclaimed busy schedule (why be busy when you have her? hee:) to spend time not just with your lady, but also with the precious lady's family. From time to time, and especially during holidays.
We all know you have your own family that you're extremely committed to, but spare a couple hours on a special holiday that she wants to spend with you, and she'll feel like a queen (if you're on good terms with the girl's family, that is. And if you're not, it's time to try to be).
6. Thou shalt tolerate thy lady's (incessant) mood swings
Yes, we have mood swings from time to time, and after some time you should be able to predict when it happens and if you're smart, why it happens. SO DEAL WITH IT.
7. Thou shalt never forget to smile when thou takes notice of thy lady
A smile never fails to brighten up a person's day. This tip should be used always, in this situation: whenever you catch sight of her. As much as humanly possible, anyway.
And more to come, if I think of more. :)