is to love and be loved.
Monday, July 30, 2007 ( 4:52 PM )
#1 . that warm, fuzzy feeling.

a) the sitting down pictures were at kfc. you know, even after that email i got about kfc using fake genetically modified chickens, i still can't shake kfc off. they're that addictive.
b) i actually wanted to take a photo of the stream beneath us cos we were on this fairytale-esque stone bridge. -_-" he didn't get what i meant. sigh.
c) i know i look retarded in the bottom left hand corner picture. don't remind me.

i wasn't happy, really. because he said i looked like a chinese in the above left right hand corner picture. :( i did not edit the above pictures. :(((
#2 . long, sharp things.

not something you'd want to catch while fishing.
i seriously was shocked when i saw that thing. it was under the treetop trail. you know how when you see things on the tv, and they seem so small and harmless. and then when you see them in reality, you get a huge wakeup call and a slap back to reality.
yeah thats what seeing that hugeeeee long snout croc which supposedly has survived for 65 million years or something as ancient as that does to you.
speaking of surviving millions of years, I SWEAR COCKROACHES ARE EVIL. my rationale is that since they've managed to survive that long, they must have gotten help from the devil. sold their souls to the devil or something. ROACHES ARE EVIL.
two days ago i was in my toilet when this roach appeared in front of me. i screamed and ran out.
two hours later, while on the phone, it tried to run onto me, but i screamed and ran away.
and HAH! IT FELL TO THE FLOOR AND OVERTURNED and was killed the next morning. teehee.
for further proof of my cockroaches are evil theory, scroll down for more disgusting pictures of cockroaches later.
#3. animals, animals, more animals.

a) the poor snake was trying to climb up the wall, which is actually a poster of a rock, thinking that it was a real rock. poor dude.
b) the jaguar was huge. again, seeing it in real life was uh. really something wow.
c) the gopher really stood to attention when i held the camera at it.
d) the penguin was about to fall off the stage. and like i mentioned in my previous post, american tourists were making fun of it. :(
#4 . stupid things we did.

for which i am quite sure, somewhere, we got laughed at. hahaha.
#5 . clone.

if you watched white chicks, you'd know what i'm talking about. wahaha.
#6 . more stupid stuff.

a) hippo. yes. it really had its butt in a strategic position where lotsa people were snapping pictures. the camera loves you, honey.
b) and yes, see the hippo i'm pointing to?
c) and yes, again, we have more butts.
d) .. okay. i honestly did not realise all the pictures were of butts. sorry. that was the donkey that pooped in front of us after posing for us.
# 7 . while waiting.

for the Wonders of the Wild show that never started. half an hour of life wasted away. =)
stupid rain.
#8 . big, big, big.
something you REALLY don't want to see when you go swimming. was DAMN HUGE. tip of the tail alone was like what, the size of my thigh/waist. maybe combined. =/
#9 . WILLIAM!!!
doesn't he look like a william? teehee.
okay fine so his name is not william. but he looks like a william! all regal and everything. looks like he's pimping himself up to ride a carriage that the Queen will be in. hohoho. he posed gamely for me, the darling. :D
# 10. the further proof.
look at that ! OMG. a whole enclosure FULL OF HISSING COCKROACHES. looks like a torture chamber OMGGGGGGGGG.
#11 . elephantos!
more butts eh. i wanted to ride em. but rainy day, NOTHING COULD BE DONE ZZZZZ.
#12 . ♥
i love you ♥ , thanks for the lovely time we had. :)
left with mmr, jw, and french. i think. jiayou!
everyone's falling/already are sick! =/
Saturday, July 21, 2007 ( 11:37 PM )
i think its the pmsal time of the month now and i am feeling like crap and the weather is to be blamed once again and i dont feel like punctuating my sentences and i took this day off to rest and have fun and i did.
went to the zoo today, had lots and lots of fun;
though it rained thrice today and we got stuck in the rain it didnt dampen my spirit! =)
(and thats the way you should be, too :)
i think i had a slight fever later on when we were resting,
and thank you for giving me that big hug cos i needed it so much;
and the cracks in my feet have dirt in em cos i stood in the puddles when i tried to feed the pigs,
and i love the goats at the kiddy farm =D always eating the leaves i fed em.
i'm fated to own the zoo one day, i know i am =D
we saw a monkey masturbate, a lemur tried to pee on us, and we didn't get to take photos with the snake =( stupid rain.
we laughed at everything and im sure everything laughed at us too =D
i love the butterflies in the fragile forest, and im absolutely fascinated by the crocodiles and how gigantuan they were; not something you'd want to see when you're swimming in a pool cos the edge of the croc's tail alone is as fucking big as my thigh.
and you know how huge my thunder thighs are. =(
and how the school of tiny fishes kept swimming from the left side of the croc tank,
to the right side,
to the left,
to the right,
to the left,
to the right,
the polar bears were missing =(
but the baby penguin was so cute, waddling away.
pity those american tourists keep making fun of it.
"you got surfed/served!" "it just got served, man hawhawhawhaw."
Not funny dude, cute penguin = DO NOT MAKE FUN OF IT.
the horse loved me! =D
it posed for a picture for me. =D=D=D
the white tiger made eye contact with me, i think.
freaky. prolly thinking, "fooood."
and the donkey trotted over to me the moment i stood near its stall, and i smiled and waved!
and it stared at me for a good five minutes.
and then it turned around, and started to poop.
right there in front of me.
i loved today;
was very, very fun.
we took lotsa pictures,
shall put them up once i get them.
i love your shoulder, can i take it home with me?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 ( 9:46 PM )
I'm turning into one of those love addicts who put chinese song lyrics on their blogs,
because they're the only things that can express your feelings the most. =/
The other day, some time ago, Laura was again lamenting that all men suck. (-__-", i know.)
Laura : All men suck.
Me : *after a silence* not all.
My dad doesn't, neither does my grandad.
Laura : All men suck.
Me : *after another silence* He does not suck either. *smiled*
Laura : !! Huh! And last time you agreed with me that all men suck. HUH! *points at me accusingly*
This conversation was really some time back;
but it really struck me as to how much my mindset has changed, since a year, 3 months, and 2 days ago.
But somehow, I don't regret it. :)
Friday, July 13, 2007 ( 10:44 PM )
One comes, finishes, and the next one falls swiftly in line.
And no, they're not hunks.
(err. okay so they're not so hot. but I always had a thing for punk/skater jerks, so forgive me.)
They're projects, one after the other, bunched together.
Can't wait for it all to end. I really want to do well. =/ though somehow I feel I've screwed JW up, alot. :( hopefully ica4 will redeem me.
Pictures from last week's gym!
Whacky gym next wed again k! <3>
And this (err clickkk) is what happens when you do too much work for way too long.
venting frustration yo :( haha.
15 months this weekend;
really looking forward to it, whatever, wherever it is.
The fact that we've made it a point to argue much lesser makes me much happier. :)
Thank you, love, for all that you've done for me.
You know that feeling you get, deep down in your gut, where you feel you know it'll last forever?
I hope that the feeling's not wrong.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 ( 1:52 AM )
I feel like I'm using you, and I feel apologetic.
And this feeling... what is it?
I hope it goes away, because it is of no use to me.
Don't people stay with each other because they are of some use to them?
Romantically, you stay with him/her, because you love him/her ; you can't live without him/her.
Between friends, people maintain friendships because their friends offer some sort of comfort, help, or joy, or perhaps to some twisted people, cruelty or morbidity.
Family - you stick with them because, as the saying goes, they're the ones who are supposed to be with you through thick and thin. Blood is thicker than water, they say. They offer you support, and you readily take it.
Strangers though.
You don't know what they offer you;
what if they offer you something that hurts you instead?
So you don't stay with them.
People you disapprove of, don't like, or don't want to associate yourself with;
you don't stay with them,
because you know for sure that they have nothing to give you.
Think about it.
I don't mean to say that you and I are conceited beings who remain as societal creatures solely for our own self benefit.
I personally hate manipulative people like that. (Je deteste! LOL) And the day that I became someone like that, someone kill me please.
I like to see the goodness in people; but I admit that that's one of my weaknesses. Trust in the pure innocence of a person, until I'm proven wrong.
It's quite warped, like I always say,
but this idea, to an extent, there's a certain... truth to it.
Sweet raptured light,
it ends here tonight.
Friday, July 06, 2007 ( 8:09 PM )
I just wish you'd crave what I crave, sometimes.

Half the time, I was thinking about where on earth the camera was. -_- heh.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007 ( 11:10 PM )
Reading one of my earlier posts, I realised that I have shot a gun before.
I signed up for this air rifle shooting course in Sec 3 where I was taught how to shoot. Can't believe I forgot the first time I actually held a gun. =/
But the course was one of those instances, where you want to do well so badly, but it turns out average or not so average.
I guess that's why my brain chose not to remember it huh.
But it was a great stress reliever, and something I looked forward to on, if I remember correctly, saturday. Imagine, holding a rifle, aiming at the bullseye, thinking of someone absolutely hateful, pulling the trigger, blasting the bullet.
The power.
I'm going to the gym tomorrow!
Me, the gym.
Not to be used in a sentence.
Boy, no matter what we go through
You step up I'll step up too
It don't matter what the haters say
As long as you are my boo
And no matter how hard it gets
This love will have no regrets
Sunday, July 01, 2007 ( 12:49 AM )