is to love and be loved.
Saturday, June 30, 2007 ( 5:43 PM )
The line between loving you love someone, and when you're in love with someone is very thin,
and many often tangle themselves with either, thinking that its the other emotion they're messed up in.
When you're in a romantic relationship and you suspect you just love your partner, (whether or not you were once upon a time in love) and feel like leaving,
you just do.
Even though you know it'll hurt your partner, you still leave him/her, because you know deep down that.. why the hell should you put yourself through this?
When you're in a romantic relationship and you are crazily/freshly/comfortably/complacently in love, and feel like leaving,
you don't.
Because you know it'll hurt your partner, and you want to spare him/her the agony of going through the dating process all over again and the tears and pain,
and because you still want to be the only one who can give him/her happiness.
And because, simply put, you are in love and refuse to let go.
Can you really forget that easily?
He told me a tale of how his close friend broke up with someone who seemed to me like an insensitive nut, and then after some time, when he got into trouble, she didn't know whether to care for him once again.
Thus begs the question, whether we can truly lose, or even gradually erase, the feelings we once had for another.
Because somewhere in our hearts, there will always be that eternal soft spot for that once-beloved.
Would you bear to kill him?
Would you bear the pain of seeing him die?
Wouldn't you still feel sad, somehow, deep down, that someone you loved so deeply once in now in the face of public humiliation?
Even if he/she ruined your life, cheated on you, or stabbed you in the gut even;
can you honestly say,
he's truly someone I don't care about anymore.
Can you?
Not just for romantic relationships, but for the various people, from all walks of life, who had once made some semblance of an impact in your life.
I don't think many people really can.
Which is sad, because how truthful then are the words I've moved on ?
Can you really forget your first love, first crush, first whatever?
Not implying that they still hold romantic places in our hearts...
But in some way or another..
We still care for them, wish them well.
And one more point to prove my thoughts-
Did you really forget them?
Are they/he/she really gone from your memory?
No, they're not.
The weird hypothesises you think up when you're on the bus home.
Watched Bridge to Terabithia today. I was really sleepy and wasn't really listening to the dialogue, so I didn't quite understand the story. Shall watch it again soon, but while watching it the first time the storyline seemed rather lame. Plus the girl died, so abruptly?
And the kids seemed like they belonged in a mental facility, dreaming up kingdoms and running away from imaginary fiends. -_-
But I likeeee the little girl! the kid Jess's sister. I wanna have a sister/cousin/daughter/whatever like that man ! So damn cute. Made me go home and give my cute little sister a big huggg.
Things to do:
1. Finish french, like once and for all -_-
2. Start on Randal ICA2.
3. Do more research for Chong.
4. Organise meeting for Jess.
5. Start working on Azhar's film shit.
6. Read thru JW notes so I won't keep screwing up the honorifics. -____-
7. Go to the beach.
8. And more other stuff I can't remember so I NEED TO GET A NOTEBOOK/PLANNER.
uploaded merry christmas mr. lawrence, too.
just for a while, til I stop being out of this reflective phase.
been listening it that same song for hours.
Monday, June 25, 2007 ( 10:20 AM )
I was wrong, and thank God I was.
You were right for me all along :)
For coming over so late just to comfort me,
for surprising me,
for taking my words to heart...
for all that you've done to make me happy,
for loving me, accepting me,
thank you.
I appreciate all you've done for me,
and I look forward to more of your crazy (but sweet) antics. :)
A match moulded carefully in the palm of God's hand
Saturday, June 23, 2007 ( 5:29 PM )
I wish you'd do for me what you do for others.
But then perhaps that'd be wishful thinking on my part.
Fool, I can't bring myself to end the misery.
Hello world!

(a) laura is such a twit.
(b) we were trying to get grace to act cutesy. largely unsuccessful. haha.
(c) we were posing cutesy. -_-
(d) i love you girls.
(e) cheesebites, cosmopolitan, chickenwings, white russian, tom & jerry! i never knew that show was that funny. guess i'll never know how good/funny certain stuff until i'm forced to sit down and watch it. ha.
Thanks, you guys, for spending the day with me. <3
Before I leave and start on my work, here's something that I cracked up at during the week.
while watching a Fitzy & Titzy (or something) filler from Front on Arts Central:
Fitzy: Today's talk will be about, how to enter the arts scene! Har har har har har.
Titzy: Last tip! Attend every opening.
Fitzy: Yes, even the opening of an umbrella! Har har har har har.
hehe. have a nice (whats remaining of it) holiday! :D
Friday, June 15, 2007 ( 8:16 PM )
It's not difficult to make a woman happy.
A man only needs to be:
1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynaecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate
45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls
51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes
54. Never try and spend any time without her!!! (uhhhh, possessive much? -__-)
55. Never to forget:
* birthdays * anniversaries * arrangements she makes
1. Show up naked
2. Bring food and beer
Very very daunting for both sides, huh.
Do you ever do something that you immediately regret?
Or do you not do/insist on doing or saying something, and heavily regret it later?
When you are the love of my life,
I can't help but stop and stare.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 ( 4:51 PM )
Hello, I haven't been blogging in a while cos my internet has been a big fat bitch.
Thank you, my mom is finally getting us our own wireless soon (yes I have been feeding off someone else's bowl for the past year) (and that someone has very cleverly realised that fact argh WHY MUST PEOPLE PICK UP ON THESE THINGS DONT THEY KNOW IGNORANCE IS BLISS PUI) and henceforth, I will be able to start on my work soon. Or else I'll just die, I tell you.
It's so boring at home.
I wonder what kids in those countries with no tv signals/no tv do for leisure. Play with rocks? Too bad, I don't have rocks at home, argh.
I don't even have my fat goldfish to laugh at anymore cos it died a couple weeks back.
And I think my siblings are getting very annoyed that I keep annoying them with lame jokes.
Cos otherwise all I'd be doing is stare at the wall, or sleep.
Boohoohoo, the sad life of she who is cableandinternetless. :((
And I desperately need to pee now, but I can't because I can't leave my laptop alone in koufu and then run off to pee right! BOOOO.
And and I am high on caffeine after drinking ffc's mocha on a rock.
And and and I am excited about saturday, and hopeful for tomorrow.
And and and and I really need to do my french ica. here I come!
(and omfg! she's fucking pretty can. I wish I had her eyes. that'll be all I need to smoke men/women/ppl who can give me a higher grade ! *evil laughter*

argh, angelina. yes, my french written assignment will be about her, but I have difficulty in finding a picture of her that is vaguely decent. =/ )
And and and and and I am itching to watch shrek 3 on but nyp has very cleverly banned it here on campus. URGH.
Will update again soon, perhaps maybe after saturday, hopefully with photos. =)))
It won't be right if we're not in it together.