is to love and be loved.
Monday, January 29, 2007 ( 3:27 PM )
Stupid Fact No. 1:
When silly Chinese tourists actually come on tours that bring them to shop at SHENG SHIONG.
Yes, yes.
Let's all fall over and proclaim their greatness.
There was actually a tour bus today below my block, shipping tourists who appeared to be from China to the nearby Sheng Shiong. Like, hofinerfuergfefrerf.
Stupid Fact No. 2:
Never, while on a telephone conversation with someone else holding on the other line, place the phone near a zipper that you are zipping up, because the sound it makes into the phone sounds like you are drowning in water and gasping for air.
And the person on the other line is left sadly wondering if you are still alive to continue discussing cash budget sheets.
Ah well.
Anyway, had a bad weekend of sorts.
Saturday was awkward but at least I got what was on my mind out. Even if it was something similar to last time, huh? At least we kinda understand each other now. And I promise I won't think so much. And thank you for being there for me. I really just needed you to come down because I was kinda at a low point. I love you.
Gotta go study for MFM and PSM tests. ARGH.
And do up our IP memorabilia.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 ( 3:41 PM )
At the end of the day,
can you really say that there's a bunch - family, friends, loved ones, whatever -right behind you,
all the time, ready to catch you if you fall?
Not many of us can, sadly.
And right now I feel disconnected from everyone I love,
and you, do you actually cherish what we have?
Because I have I feeling that you don't, that you're just taking me for granted, calling on me only when you need me. I'm here for you, but where are you when I need you?
If you don't cherish it, then I don't think I want to, either.
Sometimes the words you say are just too cutting,
and the things you do make me feel like I don't mean anything.
Always trying to one-up me, trying to make it seem like you're better than me.
If there's any two kind of people I detest, it's those who think they're better than everybody else,
and those who say they care, but
really don't give a fucking shit.
Cheryl! I really loved the talk we had yesterday, and I'm really glad that I can mark you as one of those who will be there for me if I need you. And I don't know why we drifted apart sometime ago, but I know it's still very safe to say that we're still the best of friends :) Love you muchos, dearie. And thanks for listening to all the uhh, stuff I have to say that no one else will listen. Heehee. Will always be there if you need me. :)
And please, don't go to Switzerland and marry a cow farmer there. Stay HERE. :D
Monday, January 22, 2007 ( 5:31 PM )
I wanted to blog about something philosophical,
something that ran through my mind this morning as I was brushing my teeth,
but I can't remember what the hell that was.
You know how you always want to say something important, but after a while you forget what it was and you feel like you've just lost something important? Happens to me all the time.
And ah, school's been an absolute horror this week.
Screwed my PMM Q&A.
Have SS presentation on Wednesday.
By tonight, I gotta
a) finish IP marketing campaign proposal
b) finish DFVP storyboards
c) do up my SS presentation script cos I know I'll be dead tired tomorrow evening
and d) go take more SS shots tonight.
And, hello my laptop battery is completely dying on me! :(
The lifespan is running shorter and shorter each time I use it. Sadness.
Gotta resort to using my adapter so often. ARGH.
And, look. Haha.
Yes, I do read astrology once in a while; it's amusing to see if the predictions actually come true.
Like how Channel 5 reported, a week ago, that the rain would stop.
That night itself it rained cows and donkeys.
"Those who're coupled up should do their best to avoid a fight around Tuesday and
Wednesday, as it could get down and dirty."
Weekly Love for January 22, 2007
Provided by
It's funny how we constantly argue over silly nonsensical things, but it's rare when we do fight over issues we have different views to. I hate conflicts, and so do you.
But i love you, anyway.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 ( 9:12 PM )
I'm trying to set up a blog for the six of us, but Blogger is just driving me nuts I tell you. If it doesn't make me suffer from heart attack ah, it's just not happy you know. ARGH.
And my brother is trying to scare me to death by playing the scary floods level on Halo1. :(((( *freaked out* ARGH.
And, I miss you so badly. Hmpfft.
Oh, and here's the storyboard I did in Kannan's class on Monday. HURHUR.
Hehe. We were supposed to sketch our version of six shots from Seventh Seal or something, a movie I've never heard of before. lol!
Sunday, January 14, 2007 ( 2:09 PM )
Some girls/women go through extreme menstrual cramps, some experience soreness, others get irritable and cranky, and another lot just get emotional.
It's painful when you get cramps, it's scary when girls start yelling and screaming, but I think getting emotional is not exactly a bad thing - while a girl might seem nuts because she starts tearing while watching the rain drizzle outside her window, and though she starts nitpicking on certain tiny/not so tiny issues, I think getting emotional (once in a while!) can be pretty positive, depending on how she makes of it, because she gets in touch with her feelings.
And I'm sorry that I make you go through my wrath each month while I'm at the emo stage of my PMS. But somehow this stage, despite the seemingly useless emoness, makes me think deeply and more clearly, lends me creativity, and see things from a bigger picture and from different angles.
So since it entices me to be more in touch with my emotions, it's not all that bad, please bear with me.
So after bouts of deep thinking, should I sound emo over the phone or if I come up with new theories as to how this and this should play out, please bear with me.
So if I've got nothing to say, please bear with me.
Because it'd be over in a jiffy, before you even knew it was there/gone.
Because I ____ you, and I'd like this to work.
And hon, you know you're my angel. :)

Saturday, January 13, 2007 ( 3:40 PM )
I think it really sucks, when you expect so much/so little,
and you don't see it blossoming like it should,
and you wonder if it was worth the effort put in in the first place.
You wonder if perhaps it is right,
or wrong, like that little voice in your head/heart is telling you.
You think that perhaps, this wasn't what you thought it was,
but then you look back and you realise that it's what you want,
even though it pains you when you know it's not everything you've wished for.
But even though it’s lacking,
you want to try to improve it,
because you don’t want to give up on it,
no matter how hard you think it’s gonna get,
and how much you have to give up for it,
no matter how much tears/pain you have to go through,
You make me cry,
and then the irony is that when I do I wish I was crying in your arms.
Thursday, January 11, 2007 ( 8:35 PM )

(altogether now, awwwwwwww.)
I'm dying from all the projects, but thank you next week will be more relaxed.
But but but there's still IP Business Proposal, IP filming, IP ppt, (*faints*) DFVP filming, DFVP editing (!!!!). And then I gotta start studying PMM and PSM and MFM. :((((((
We watched There's Something About Mary on Tuesday. I've heard so much about it, but I've never watched it before, and oh man it's such a good show! The first 16minutes only, and already I was boggled and rolling with laughter and feeling utterly disgusted with what I saw.
Farelly Brothers, you rock/suck. LOL.
And said film also made me so thankful. So, so thankful. (see below for elaborate visuals - WARNING : THE BELOW CLIP CONTAINS VISUALS WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING.
...yeah right, you're gonna watch it anyway, right.)
Plus, the Hidden Genders clip Azhar showed us today only makes me proclaim one thing:
Thank God I'm Female.
Transvestites in India go to rural, ulu clinics to get their d*cks castrated. The operation costs about US$100; firstly, there's only a small chance of survival, because, secondly,
I'm so thankful I'm female. Nevermind the cramps and childbirth and labour pains and wracking of body, I'm just so thankful I'm female.
And here is said bathroom scene
goodness gracious.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 ( 3:21 PM )
New skin!
I have a fascination with glammed up lips :D

Credits to Deviantart :)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 ( 11:10 PM )
How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?
-Albert Einstein
Now, this guy was smart.
And that's the understatement of the millenium.
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.
-Ann Landers
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
-Ingrid Bergman
Have you even been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...
You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like "maybe we should just be friends" or "how very perceptive" turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart.
It hurts.
Not just in the imagination.
Not just in the mind.
It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.
I hate love.
-Rose Walker,
in Sandman: The Kindly Ones by Neil Gaiman
You call it madness, but I call it love.
-Don Byas
Sunday, January 07, 2007 ( 10:57 PM )
Sweet lives of the unseen.
The new year, and what have we done.
Has anyone changed one bit?
We all live in frustration.
I am really considering switching courses.
Or, calling up some big magazine to see if they offer scholarships.
Because I've been thinking about the future lately.
And I'm worried mine might turn out to be not as bright as I've hoped it'd be.
And I'm gonna screw my lab job. I don't think I'll be able to cope, seriously.
I think I'll just march down to the lab tmr and tell them I quit. :(
Hopefully I even can, because I signed a contract.
And then where shall I get money.
Sigh. Juggling the need for an allowance and the need to study properly is such a headache.
But this semester, we have such shitty modules (3 examinable, wonderful) that require us to sweep our gazes across textbooks that have font size minus one hundred.
And so I'd require muchos time to digest all that shite. :(
Byebye job.
I think I can only go earn dough in March during the actual hols.
And even then, I wonder if I'll get to use the money.
I'm very touched, what you've said and done these couple of days,
for some reason, it's leading skeptical me to believe,
that perhaps.. just perhaps..
this is really the real thing.
And... I'm looking forward to next Monday;
and for some reason I feel.. very.. comfortable with all this.
Monday, January 01, 2007 ( 9:57 PM )
Back to school and all that stress. :(((((((

did some photoshopping some time ago. woots. i prefer the black one. lols.
Hurhur. Last one looks kinda getai. :)))))) hehehehee.
and the brown one looks uhh, wrong.
lol. i'll get down to our collab piece soon amanda! haha. :D