is to love and be loved.
Sunday, December 31, 2006 ( 2:49 PM )
So many things in 2006;
2006 is (not was, not yet anyway) a far cry from 2005.
I guess I've changed in many ways, good and bad I suppose.
Everyone does, right?
There was the most obvious transition,
from an all-girls' secondary school to a more independent co-ed course, that's more focused (on media - as a business, pui. Lol.) than as compared to the gazillion subjects we learn in sec sch ;
the transition of being pushed, to being independent,
where there's no one telling you what to do and how to do it,
and we have to figure it out ourselves ;
the transition from where my confidantes were around me 24/7,
to an environment where I had to fend for myself, mostly.
then there was the emotional transition,
where I found love ; :)
where I found out what it was like to feel so much for another, to want to care for, protect and love another human being.
and there was the transition of realising that life is not at all as sweet and easy as I'd hoped it would be, from thinking that everything would work out no matter what
- though I still stick to my Christian/naïve belief that things work out if you believe in it enough.
I felt stress in all its glory,
as well as happiness,
and sadness,
and pain. >:( , :) , :( , :/
Life is all about transitions and change,
but how many of us really appreciates what comes out of these changes we're put through?
I can't say I do,
because as much as I try to deny it,
I am one who resists change,
who performs best in familiar environments where I don't feel threatened.
Resolutions for 2007:
1. Be nicer to my siblings.
2. Procrastinate less. Study in advance.
3. Stop neglecting my hobbies.
4. Drink less caffeine.
Funny, these were pretty much the same things I wanted to do in 2006.
Ahhhhhhhh well.
Did you read the papers today?
There's some new software that you can plant in your partner's/child's/whoever you're suspicious of 's phone, and you can spy on their smses.
There's some debate of whether this act is against the law or not,
but who cares;
i think that it's completely whack and a total infringement of privacy.
Unless of course it's your child's future at stake, then MAYBE such stupid stuff can be condoned. But, if you suspect your husband is cheating on you, why on earth would you want to find out? WHY?
Why subject yourself to more torture and pain and sadness and humiliation,
when you can just live in ignorance and happily think it's all okay?
I would just live in ignorance.
Ignorance. Is. Bliss.
Unless, of course, you have no more feelings for the bastard and want nothing more than to leave his side.
Then, I say, knock yourself out with this new toy.
Happy New Year to all of you.
Saturday, December 30, 2006 ( 10:39 PM )
I adore Bach - Pachelbel in Canon D.
I don't even know if Bach/Pachelbel is the same person?
Or if they even are people?!
But this song is so wonderful, it's so happy. It makes me want to walk down the aisle, it makes me think that if I played this song on the day, my life will end up being the perfect fairy tale.
I've been listening to it over and over, and ahhhhhhhhh, it makes me float. :)
and there's me being silly again.
Friday, December 29, 2006 ( 2:38 PM )
Monday, December 25, 2006 ( 11:44 PM )
I hate the feeling of something.. missing.
When I step into the church,
sit down on the bench,
pull down the kneelers,
and kneel while I whisper an absentminded prayer in silence,
as I stare at the big wooden cross nailed to the wall,
I feel an emptiness, within my heart,
something clawing within me,
telling me that some..thing, is severely lacking in my life.
Every once in a while,
when I go to church,
when I'm sitting down, deep in thought,
or simply when I'm out having a good time,
it strikes me, out of the blue,
and I get that feeling,
of emptiness.
Do you ever get that feeling too?
This Christmas has been the best ever,
I only had a couple of small presents, I didn't go anywhere special, and my Christmas tree still looks straggled.
this has been the best Christmas ever,
because I've felt love,
on so many levels;
from family, friends, him, siblings, and people I hardly know and see.
And Christmas is really all about love, isn't it?
and your call at midnight really made my day, love. :)
and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :)
Thursday, December 21, 2006 ( 12:17 PM )
Ah, well.
Feeling very cold these coupla days, both physically and emotionally.
Raining nonstop like nobody's business.
I miss my sun. :(
I want the hot spells to come faster. :(((((
Had the Christmas LightUp 07' at SVDP @ 7pm.
Met him before that, wanted to go CP but went HG Pt in the end. Hung out at KFC, (and I loved our chat, can we have more of that please? :) ) and then SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. =x HAHAHA. :D our little secret.
Rushed over to SVDP but it was already raining, thank goodness I was a good girl and listened to my granma and brought an umbrellaaaaa, which I always dont do since I feel its very auntie-ish. Hur.
The show was kinda boring, Gayle Nerva performed again like every other year and it's as if she's some uber star. Eurgh. She did that song that she's gonna sing on Wish Upon A Star this week.
Joy to the world all the fishes in the blue blue sea, that song i think. -_-"
Rained like nobody's business.
Stayed in and tried to do work.
Rained like nobody's business again.
Stayed in and did do work.
Went to Leonard's place for IP.
Spent alot of time wastedly tinkling the piano, munching on McSpicy, playing Mario and reading Leonard's uncle's books. Borrowed one of his books, some book on love compatibility based on a couple's astrological signs, and all I can say about the book is,
Going to SPH to do an interview with Ms Chan, a group accounts manager, for our Principles in Media Management module later in the afternoon. Damn siannnnnnnned. Don't feel like moving, just feel like staying at home and gorging myself with marshmallows, milo (which I've been drinking nonstop cos it's been so cold out =x ) and chocolate, if I can find any.
Off PS with him, to get my shirt and catch Night at the Museum! :D:D:D

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 ( 11:37 AM )
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural |
![]() That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power! The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism. You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world. Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in. You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you? You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways. Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you. As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you. |
Hmm. Haha, the 4th and 6th line seem pretty true!
LOL. :)
Monday, December 18, 2006 ( 10:04 PM )
It's been raining so much these couple of days,
and it's been so cold out.
I don't like cold weather,
unless I have someone to snuggle up with,
when I'm shivering like a nekkid rabbit.
My little brother dug up the walt disney (i always thought his name was funny cos it sounds like malt disney. hahaha -_-") bambi tape, and he's watching it now. And here comes rushing all the sweet vivid memories of ye childhood! :D
I absolutely adore old disney movies like Bambi, and The Little Mermaid<>, and Aladdin, to name a few of the classics.

Hollywood/the rest of the world/all guys' perception of a hot babe:
longggggggggggggggggggggggggggg legs,
longggggggggggggggggggggggggggg lashes,
big eyes,
slender boddddd.
tight assssssss.
ahhhhhh. even disney endorses that annoying perception, so we see. humpft.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)
how shweet, how naive.
you know, you always see how people in movies/cartoons find a butterfly and chase after it, and place their hand out, and the butterfly always seems so tame and loops around and lands gracefully, perching on the palm of the person/cartoon character?
What utter bullshit.
As if butterflies actually do that.
All they do when you approach them is fly AWAYYYY.
ah well.
and watch this:
funny funny.
and, apparently!
there's a sport, some paintball thing, I'm sure all you rich dudes out there who're willing to spend an extra thou or two would absolutely loveeeeeeeeeee to indulge in.
go ahead and take a look. wow! what a sport.
indulge your eyes out. -_-
Saturday, December 16, 2006 ( 5:21 PM )
As we sit beneath the blinking lights of the Christmas tree,
smiling as we lay in each other's embrace,
laughing as we hold our hands over the fireplace,
we reminisce those sweet memories;
Taking a walk in the cold,
past the lovers skating on the ice,
we glide away from them, hand in hand,
cutting through frost with our warmth;
Wandering through the streets,
as we admire the yellowed lights,
and feeling the love all around,
from the smiles of strangers.
The magic of Christmas,
alive and roaring in our hearts.
Friday, December 15, 2006 ( 11:54 AM )
Let me try to recount what i'd said.
A weeklong hiatus from blogging.
This past week has been one titanic heart attack,
with DFVP editing on Wednesday and Thursday morning.
And I feel so bad for asking azhar for extra time when others didn't.
My brain was fried on Weds nite, and I couldn't do my kannan A/V script, couldn't think, couldn't visualise the shots. So I left it to Thursday, which was an equally bad idea cos I can never concentrate around people; I work best alone, plus I was high on sara's cookies and her halal sugar.
LOL. and yes, i named my com CHIC after being inspired by cin and sara's presentation in sem1. be honoured! hahaa. :D
Went down to print kannan's av script right before azhar's which was supposed to start at 3pm, and we were late for his class. But we came into class and found out that azhar had stepped into class at 3.00PM SHARP, counted the number of people, and deduced that with less than 66% of the class, the lesson was not going to happen,
and that we can come in anytime we want, so he will come in anytime he wants.
So we waited til 3.45, were about to leave, when he popped in for less than 10 seconds, and left. And I didn't even get a chance to ask him what my management grades were.
But on the other hand, I can understand azhar's analness - he's trying to inculcate in us the whole, in media, punctuality is key shit. Like how 9.30 news NEVER comes on at 9.31.
hello, you're paid to teach us, so jolly well do your job lah.
and we were complaining how we pay so much school fees and the school cant even afford to get a decent number of digidecks to accomodate us.
I'm going to school for the sbm lab asst briefing thing, and i hope this job doesnt turn out to be a pain in the arse.
Happy 8th monthsary, love!
tag replies:
kel: I did update!!! but blogger crashed on me. pfffft. LOL submarines. hahahhaa
sara: wahaha sorry lahhh i ate so much of your cookies. but theyre YUMMILICIOUS. OO-OO-AA-AA COOKIEEEE! :D
grace: soon! you'll definitely get it soon. :) miss you loadssssssss.
manda: was here all along, getting a heart attack in the editing suite. teehee!
martin: :))))) looking forward to a ramly burger date!
cheryl: yes dear, i'm fine.. missing you loads. can we meet up soon pls? like go your hse chill or smth. :) hehe
elaine: it's amazing you know, the vicious cycle that mother nature puts us thru. wahaha.
ak: yes, f-*-c-k-i-n-g serious. chickens are dangerous and vicious animals.
cin: money face! hahaha. go marry a old rich about-to-kick-the-bucket dude! =X hehe..
liyun: cos of the build-a-bear job ma, which seemed so good. too good to be true, now we know. :( haha
laura: can anyone be more dense? LOL
alicia: see you soon hopefully!
Friday, December 08, 2006 ( 2:51 PM )
Thursday, December 07, 2006 ( 12:28 PM )
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 ( 8:49 PM )
“Small minds discuss people; average minds discuss events;
great minds discuss ideas.”
i'm going crazy.
Don't say it's like a fantasy
When you know this is how it should be
Feels like I've always known you
On a night like this,
I wanna stay forever
I'm superemowoman right now.
Listening to Everytime by Brit the undie flasher over and over again.
I need a job, seriously.
To return money to those whom money is still owed, after so long.
I hate the feeling where you feel indebted to someone, because it just makes you more vulnerable.
Thanks for being patient with me, but the feeling sucks.
I don't even know why I want a job so urgently. To return people $$, to get a larger wardrobe, to get a phone.
I don't urgently need a phone, anyway, cos he lent me his brother's phone and I have a temp phone and number. But the feeling of not having your own phone is pfft, tho I think the phone he lent me is pretty sleek. :)
And you know the weird thing is if I hadn't lost my phone on Halloween, I wouldn't even be worried about getting a fucking job.
Battered winds.
Monday, December 04, 2006 ( 7:10 PM )
One day, a police officer caught sight of 3 ducks swimming in a pond.
He decided to inspect them to make sure they weren't doing anything suspicious.
So he pulled the first duck over.
Officer: What's your name and what are you doing here?
First Duck: I'm Quack and I'm blowing bubbles in the pond.
The officer found nothing wrong with the first duck, so he let him go, and pulled the second duck over.
Officer: What's your name and what are you doing here?
First Duck: I'm Quack Quack and I'm blowing bubbles in the pond.
The officer found nothing wrong with the second duck as well, so he let him go, and pulled the third duck over.
Officer: What's your name and what are you doing here?
Let me guess, your name is Quack Quack Quack,
and you're blowing bubbles in the pond.
Third Duck: No, my name is Bubbles.
Some things are just meant to be broken,
while others are meant to be prized,
and some may have just been made to be taken cruelly away from you.
I've been feeling so sleepy, emo and headache-y this week.
Maybe it's just PMS, maybe not.
Hope this retardedness goes away, far far away from me soon.
Sorry to all those who suffer my wrath month after month while I PMS.
Not a pretty thing.
And I wanted to blog about something else that was on my mind but I forgot what it was. Guess I join your blur ranks, goldfish. :)
Saturday, December 02, 2006 ( 7:51 PM )
The other day in FFC, we were rotting while waiting for lesson to start (thank you, azhar, for shifting class back and allowing us the pleasure of waiting for 3 hours for Kannan's class and another 3 hours after her consultation for your class, GRR.).
And then, this birdie flew above us and dropped a french fry it was stealing right smack on Laura's head.
The chances of you getting pelted by bird shit is low enough.
Damn rare lah.
And I said, No.
This morning I looked out my window, and I saw a row of pigeons perched on a wall on the opposite block. It struck me that even animals had family, friends, and a clique that they belonged to.
And when one pigeon flew off, the rest of the birds followed suit and took off into the air as well.
Don't we do that too?
When a person we're close to does something, we tend to succumb to peer pressure and do it as well. Or if we don't do it, (3 pigeons stayed perched for a coupla seconds more, then decided to fly off after the rest as well) it's already imprinted firmly in our heads, and sooner or later we'll have been influenced enough to follow the tide.
Makes you think how much we're still similar to animals, huh?
So much for our presumed higher intelligence and all,
but we're still very much animalistic.
Today was a joy,
though we know we can't.
It's too soon, dear.
We need to get to know each other better. (:
Looking forward to that.
2 weeks!