is to love and be loved.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 ( 12:20 AM )
Sometimes I feel you pull me down,
like I'll forever be stuck beneath you,
feeling like even if I've struck out successfully on my own,
I'll never be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour,
because you're there,
and I need to save you.
Not that I'm complaining, because it is my duty and responsibility to rescue you,
but I would like my help to be appreciated,
and for you to stop making me feel like I'm just one of the many,
that I don't matter,
because I do matter.
And I wonder why you worry so much about others,
when you can't even save yourself,
and when I ask you to help me,
you're too busy,
because you're too busy helping others;
And when I get some rare opportunity to speak to you about how I feel,
you cut me off saying it's just a green streak,
when really, it's not;
And it amazes me how everything is always my fault in your eyes,
amazing how I'm a person with so many flaws in your eyes,
how even though I help out so much,
you criticise and say my help wasn't sincere.
And it really breaks my heart,
it really does,
when you do the things you do;
I love you,
but sometimes,
I wish I never had you.
I wish you were there for me when I needed you,
instead of pretending to trying so hard for others who don't care at the time when I want a hug from you;
I envy other people who have their yous right by their side whenever they need them.
I envy other people whose yous helped them out as much as they needed.
I envy other people who have their yous who care for them and supported them all the way.
And sometimes,
it feels like you were never there,
even though you're right there beside me,
pretending I wasn't there.
Where are you?
Sunday, November 26, 2006 ( 1:08 AM )
Have been playing around with Photoshop since yesterday!
My first coupla pictures:

This one's dedicated to Alicia. Hope it works out between you and your mom.
And this one,
dedicated to you, dear goldfish.
Friday, November 24, 2006 ( 11:23 AM )
I'm in the school library now, rotting away because the interview I went for lasted two and a half minutes and not an hour like I'd expected, and I'm supposed to meet Martin at YCK at 12.
Had choir farewell yesterday!
Which was uber fun after everyone (ahem, late princesses and frogs) actually arrived.
Met Joan at the entrance at 3.15, I was late.
And the stupid irony was that I'd smsed her telling her, "JOAN CHUA BETTER NOT BE LATE HOR" and here I am watching the clock in the bus tick past 3pm.
We were suppppppeerrrrrrrr early, and we didn't know which block and unit Rachel resided in, so we walked around trying to find the pool and gave up so we went to one of those ground floor units, peeped into the balcony, and asked the little girl who was studying where the hell the pool was, and we felt really stupid because the girl pointed to the entrance to the swimming pool that was right next to her house.
No one was there yet, so we entertained ourselves by playing on the swings and dipping our legs into the kiddy pool and dancing in the water. And Joan can still blame me for going early. @#$&, i haven't seen you in half a year! :(
Ha. Then Carol and her sister finally came, and we went up to the function room.
The juniors were pretty surprised to see us, judging by their reactions. LOL.
Well, it isn't even our farewell party anyway! We just crashed it.
Hohoho. :)
We didn't even go for our farewell party, come to think of it!
And I can't remember why, either. HMMMM.
We ate and talked, listened to Carol's drama story, and we had so much fun.
And then Martin came, and boy was it weird; he felt so awkward being the only guy there at the time. Haha, all eyes on the only guy.
And then we went out to fetch Cheryl, went to change, went out to fetch Alicia and Morgan, and then we went into the pool.
And goodness, I need to grow taller.
I am terrified of the 1.7 part of the pool.
You know, they really should have railings IN the pool, for those people who CMI cannot swim one.
All those Bobby Lau swimming lessons gone to waste. HEE.
Waddling in the pool was fun.
And then we went to the jacuzzi, which was funnnnerrrr. :D
Had some kind of couple QnA thing with Cheryl asking the lame questions.
And Alicia kept asking retarded questions throughout the whole night, GRRRRRRRRRR.
Played in the kiddy pool for a while, then went to change, and waited an eternity for Alicia and beau to appear after going MIA. A lot of us had curfews, and we still wanted to go have dinner, so we had to leave pretty fast, but those two still can walk ten hundred rounds around the condo. -_-"
Dinner at Blk 401, talked more, Alicia kept being retarded, Joan kept talking about *Bishan*, Cheryl and I conspired, Morgan bought a
Took 74 home around 10.15, wish I could have stayed longer, the whole night with 'em if possible. :D Oh well.
Had lots of fun guys. Thanks.
Looking forward to our next gathering. :)
No pictures cos we were too busy having fun. :D
And my hair still reeks of chlorine.
Could you please stop it?
It's not amusing, it's fucking annoying, and it's bloody well getting on my nerves, bitch.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 ( 6:54 PM )
The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | High |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | High |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Low |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Moderate |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Low |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very Low |
Level 7 (Violent) | Low |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Moderate |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Very Low |
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
Build-a-bear is annoying.
They say they'll call us back regarding our training dates,
and training is on 22, 23, 24,
which is TODAY.
Called the guy like a gazillion times, and finally when he answers he says "i dont know".
And he says wait for a couple days to see, but by then training would have ended right!
So i guess i should just go for the lab asst interview on friday then, if build-a-bear hasn't called by then.
Monday, November 20, 2006 ( 7:55 PM )
*About You*
1. What is your name?
cherylene renée dewi d/o surederam
2. What are your nicknames?
lene, lenie spaghetti, cheryl, cherry, jie, kakuki. -_-"
3. How old are you?
4. What colour is your hair?
Black roots, with reddish brown dyed hair.
5. What color are your eyes?
dark brown.
6. Where do you live?
singapore, serangoon north.
7. Do you have any siblings?
no, only 3 monkeys.
8. What are their names?
nicholas, clarisa, nigel.
9. How tall are you?
160cm? last i measured, anyway.
10. What kind of car do you drive?
Enzo Ferrari.
11. What color is your car?
And it can move up to 250km/hr in 5 seconds you know.
12. What color is your house?
Err. each room got different colour.
13. Television Programs
None in particular, tho i enjoy CSI and reality programs.
14. Ice cream flavor
Chocolate and coffee, hands down.
15. Color
16. Time of day
I like mornings, if i've had enough sleep,
and nights, if i'm outside with friends or my bf.
17. Movies
No favs.
18. Song
Pavlov's Bell - Aimee Man
19. Musicians (Singers, Bands, etc.)
No fav lah.
20. Foods
21. Beverage
22. Sport to play
I love netball, though i'm not a professional or whatever.
23. Sport to watch
wrestling? though it's not technically a sport.
and football, during the world cup season, cos i can bet and win money.
24. Hobbies
Stoning, daydreaming, doing nothing;
watching tv and reading.
25. Day of the week
Depends on the week and timetable.
26. Academic subject
i actually miss getting picked on by miss khoo. :(
27. Lunch
favourite lunch?
isn't that my favourite food?
see qn20.
28. Season
i like all four seasons!
29. Perfume/Cologne
i'm no expert on perfumes, but i like light scents,
like the pink Adidas Frozen Cheryl gave me for xmas last year. (:
30. Soda
31. Place to be
in his arms.
32. Animal
*Love & Junk*
33. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?
34. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
35. Are you straight?
36. Best eye color in the opposite sex
Dark brown.
37. Best hair color in the opposite sex
Depends on the person and his complexion and all that.
38. Best height in the opposite sex
Not too tall, just perhaps 20 cm taller would be alright.
39. Initial thing you look for in the opposite sex (appearance-wise)
strong shoulders.
40. Qualities (personality-wise) you look for in the opposite sex
gotta be nice, sweet, kind, generous, fun. and i can't think of anything else at the moment.
41. What would your perfect date be?
Dinner, followed by a slow walk on the beach at sunset with the sand between our toes.
42. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
43. Where was your first kiss?
Err, somewhere in singapore.
44. Did you enjoy or dislike your first kiss?
45. What do you like best about your boyfriend/girlfriend (if you have one)?
That would be open flattery.
Martin, if you want me to tell you, ask me face-to-face.
*Your Future*
46. Dream vehicle
A car.
If i can afford a car, i'd like a toyota corolla.
If i can afford a bit more, i'd like a VW beetle in silver or lime green.
If i can afford a whole lot, i'd like a porsche convertible.
47. Dream job
Newspaper/magazine columnist, or wedding planner,
or full time housewife/taitai. yumyum. :D
48. Dream college
erh. NTU?
49. Where do you want to live?
In a condo, yumyum. Maybe in east coast?
50. Do you want to get married?
i do.
51. Do you want children?
52. How many?
aiya, 4.
don't call me a sow, cheryl, i'm just doing what God wants us all to do - reproduce.
53. Boys or girls?
54. Names?
was discussing with jewel last year over one of our late night sms kaki discussions. lol.
girl would be adrienne,
and i don't know about the boy.
55. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
having a job?
happily married, hopefully?
56. How about twenty years?
Married with kids?
I don't know! haven't thought THAT far.
*More Random Junk*
57. Your pets and their names
I only have a goldfish that's survived for more than a year when all fifty other have died.
I used to have a poodle named Angel (:
and two canaries, one yellow one named Rosie and a blue one named Bluie.
And two chicks too.
58. Have you ever gotten something stuck up your nose?
ERRR. no, i don't think so.
59. Have you ever jumped off of your roof?
Ask me again when i've actually been on the roof half contemplating suicide.
60. Have you ever streaked in broad daylight?
yeah, in my room, with the windows closed, everyday man. x)
61. Do you get good, satisfactory, or horrible grades in school?
okay lah. last semester was pretty satisfactory,
and i hope i can do equally well or better this sem. :)
62. Have you ever gotten into a fist fight?
with my brother, countless times.
63. Have you ever stolen something?
64. How many detentions would you say you have gotten?
errr. i can't remember, but i think i got one.
then again, i'm not sure.
i'm guai okay!
65. How about suspensions?
i'm guai, i repeat.
66. What did you get suspended/detended for?
nothing? i don't rmb.
67. Do you consider yourself a mean person?
maybe not?
who am i to judge?
68. What are your bad habits?
losing my temper easily,
being obsessive compulsive,
being a perfectionist,
AHHH. got so many,
but who's perfect?
69. Any fears/phobias?
deep water, bugs, dying with regrets.
70. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
yes, but only because i'm afriad they'd get offended if i put them away and stab me in the back with a knife while i'm asleep.
71. What was your childhood dream?
u mean my childhood ambition?
so many.
first was to become lawyer,
then to open clinic with alicia,
then to become singer,
then got so many others lah.
72. Who was your childhood idol?
Michael Jackson!
74. Who/what comes first in your life?
Family, love, friends.
75. Do you support the second amendment (the right to bear arms)?
Yup, as much as i support bullets being fired into my heart. :D
76. What do you think of President Bush?
He likes oil alot huh.
77. What do you think of homo and bisexuality?
It goes against my religion.
78. What is your view on abortion?
I'm totally against it.
79. The death penalty?
No one except God decides who lives or dies.
80. Do you have any tattoos?
81. Do you have any piercings?
My ears lor.
Saturday, November 18, 2006 ( 10:51 AM )
Sometimes I wonder.
Had filming on Wednesday which totally drained me partially cos I was wearing long sleeves and jeans and heels.
Had editing yesterday which drained me too cos we were so afraid the bloody program would suddenly wipe our work off the face of the earth without saving our progress.
On a happier note, went for the interview for Build-A-Bear, which is really cooooool.
The office was at Clarke Quay, and I harbored fears of the office being in one of them shophouses that look like brothels.
Was supposed to go for the interview with Liyun & Charlene & Peiting, but in the end only Charlene turned up. So me and Charlene weaved around Clarke Quay trying to find Central Mall.
We went into this super sophiscated and high class looking Central Mall, only to be told by the security guard that there was no Build-A-Bear in the building,
and we were afraid that we'd been bluffed.
But then the security guard told us that there was another Central Mall, a white building just behind the highclassandfancy Central Mall. -_-
So we walked thru the shophouses, and we realised the white building was CLUB MOMO. Which, hello, Build-A-Bear?
But since we were already there, so decided to just go lor.
Called the guy, and turns the office turns out to be inside this Walt Disney place that we passed by earlier that's along the side of the white building/Club Momo.
And the place is so damn pretty please?
Felt as if I'd just stepped into Disneyland.
..okay fine, i've never been to Disneyland lahhhh.
Anyway, we were told to go to Level 3, and the lift is so cute with dalmatian prints i think and wooden flooring. 101 dalmatians. HEE.
(and yes I can't stop gawking) The place was pretty pretty pretty with wooden floors and high ceilings and Disney toys all over the place. There was this giant Winnie that i wanted to kope home. Wahaha.
So we went for the interview, had a little briefing, and those "what would you do if this happens" scenarios shit.
And I always freeze up and give lame answers during those scenarios; damn, I can't think well on my feet. :(
So training is next week on Weds and Thurs, and we gotta wait for Gary to call. Hopefully he calls back lor.
And the shop opens on 1 Dec, yayness.
It's really Build-a-Bear lor, as in,
really build a bear.
We gotta help kids and adults and whoever buys the bears go thru the bear-making process.
...and that sounds kinda wrong?
Training on 22, 23, 24,
I can't make it on 23rd cos of the choir farewell, which will now be held at sylvia's house and I'm not sure if I'm going.
Meeting him later.
Happiness is a song.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 ( 7:26 PM )
I don't usually write entries that particularly pinpoint to a certain person or topic, and I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself,
because I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings.
Why bother giving me hope when all you do is make it come crashing down?
All I wanted was to see your smile, if only for a little while,
On this day, right here, right now.
Monday, November 13, 2006 ( 8:02 PM )
So why don't people embrace their lives and the drama that comes along with it?
Why do we lament when we have twists in our lives, and then whine when we have nothing to fill our day?
I'm looking forward to the 23rd.
Sunday, November 12, 2006 ( 7:58 PM )
I don't want to regret what happened yesterday,
because I felt a connection with you.
And whatever happens from here on out, I don't want to regret it either,
because i love you,
and that's all that matters.
Friday, November 10, 2006 ( 9:42 PM )
Who's on your mind now?
He is.
Is that person a guy?
How did you get to know that person?
Did you talk to the person within 12 hours?
no, last night.
Who ended the chat?
We both needed to go sleep.
What do you think that person like most?
Having fun and having a great time. (:
That person's Favourite colours?
Red and black.
That person's last sentence said to you?
"Goodnight, i _______. "
What are you doing now?
Doing this, and talking to people on msn?
Did anyone message you yet?
I didn't know it was possible for one to message me when I didn't have a phone.
And who did this question please? almost like you know someone will msg me.
Did you talk to anyone?
Yeah, Laura. Calling her to tell her about the 4H class chalet which half the class didnt know about. :(
Is THAT person online?
No, pretty much never is online. ha.
What are you listening to?
Eric Clapton - Blue Eyes Blue
Who do you think can make you laugh most?
My family, friends, him.
Who would you turn to when you've got a problem?
Him? alicia, cheryl, laura, jewel? It depends who I feel can relate to the situation.
Who always pisses you off?
My family.
What are you going to do later?
Call him, maybe. Watch TV.
What other websites are you in now?
Cheryl's blog.
Who's at home?
Me, my 3 siblings, my grandparents and parents.
Any one you know has the same phone as you?
Nail polished?
Dyed your hair?
Dark roots are showing already, but months ago I'd dyed it bright auburn and it turned out a dark reddish brown.
Changed your hairstyle?
I don't think i will anytime soon. I like my hair the way it is.
One thing you really really want now?
A phone.
One thing you feel like giving up?
I don't like giving up.
I always get scolded by my parents for being so persistent. They always say I should learn to sometimes not get my way. haha.
What are you scared off?
Deep water, insects with more than 4 legs, not accomplishing what I want in life and not leading a happy life.
What thing appears in front of you, would make you laugh?
A cow with pink spots, blue fur and 5 legs?
Doing the funky chicken.
Yeah that might make me giggle like a silly girl.
What time is it now?
What are you going to do now?
Chat online.
So, i'll prolly be working at Clarke Quay/South Bridge Rd/I have no idea where the hell lah as a "customer service" personnel.
I just realised how wrong that sounded.
but no, no, i'm not doing that.
It's an advertising company, apparently, called I.mpacc or Im.pacc or something like that.
Working hours from 9.30am - 6.30pm, Mon to Sat,
so I can only work on Saturday since I have oh-so-wonderful-yippeeee! school from Mon to Fri.
For working 8 hours a day, I get paid within 40 to 80 bucks, so i think it's pretty okay, this job.
the job scope is annoying.
I'll be one of those people stuffing charity tickets into your face at Orchard Road trying to suffocate you into buying it.
okaaaay. so i'll be taking a pleasure stroll in the shoes of those annoying people at Orchard MRT.
So if you spot me trying to push tickets into your mouth, please buy one for the sake of the less fortunate out there.
(namely me.)
haha, and apparently when you buy these charity tickets, you get discount vouchers to restaurants that the company has in its clientele list. They're trying to advertise the restaurants thru discount vouchers that can be "bought" (WHO BUYS DISCOUNT VOUCHERS, HELLOOOOOO) thru the charity tix.
And as a media student I wanted to laugh at the balding manager with the funny accent in the dingy office in the shophouse and wanted to say to him with tears in my eyes,
OHYES, kannan has taught thee fairly well.
I got the job but I don't know if I'll take the job. I'll consider it as the week goes by.
SOMEONE PLEASE SAY YOU WANT THE JOB, TOO. (then i'll definitely take up the job too.)AHAHAA.
so i'll prolly be working two jobs! coolios. this one, and the lab asst one in sch.
totally unglam jobs, pfft.
ohwell. (:
Thursday, November 09, 2006 ( 12:36 PM )
I was waiting, last night, and it didn't happen.
what is wrong with me? i can't think straight.
and after listening to alicia and my mom, i'm so confused; i don't know what to do, i wonder if another fairytale will be slashed into two.
but what my mom said was true,
as much as i'm horrified by her words;
and i'm also horrified and scared because these things, they ran through my mind before.
and i'm feeling so small,
so helpless now, watching the rain fall outside my window with so much ease,
and i wish my life had such smoothness, too.
I wish someone could be here to tell me everything will be all right, that things will work out like they always do.
And while a tiny voice whispers pessimism into my head,
the rest of me tries to believe in sunshine and daisies.
please prove me wrong.
Monday, November 06, 2006 ( 5:57 PM )
Screw the bitch who took my phone,
Screw Nokia 6111.

Mine was the silver one. I loved it lor. Pfft, so shiny.
Look out, world Nokia 5300.
I'm coming ta getcha.
*evil laughter*
Sunday, November 05, 2006 ( 9:25 PM )
I am really supposed to be finishing compiling bong right now. BUT IT'S JUST SO BLOODY BORING, I CAN'T HELP BUT NOT DO IT. =(
And it doesn't help that bong's deep, melodious voice sings me off to sleep in class.
I'm really miserable without my phone. Not so much about missing the phone anymore (though i still do.) but rather the whole feeling so disconnected thing is really getting to me.
For the first time I've realised how important a phone is, how important communication is.
And how easy it is nowadays to keep in touch with people, and when you lose that tool, how difficult it is to keep in touch; even though there's email and msn and what shit, a phone's still different.
Just goes to show how the different mediums won't ever (at least for the time being) phase each other out in favour of more convenient, advanced mediums. The different mediums will just get more and more advanced themselves, yeah?
I don't even know what I'm saying.
It just hurts so much when I lift the laptop and head for my room, and I reach to the coffee table at the spot where I usually put my phone,
and then I realise it's gone.
It's just like when my dog passed away; I'd come home thinking that I'd hear her welcoming bark.
The pain will go away.
But it won't leave completely.
I'm just too sentimental.
Damn, I get emotionally attached to the smallest things.
The next time I get a phone, I'm not letting it outta my pocket wherever I go.
Forgive my drama-ness.
I know i shouldn't be blogging about this,
but today was the first time my heart actually fluttered when he kissed me.
Friday, November 03, 2006 ( 7:20 PM )
For the benefit of amanda who said my font was too small,
Was tagged by Misso.
1. Single, taken or crushing?
Taken and blown away.
2. Are you happy with your life now?
Kinda miserable actually; feeling disconnected from the world (and him) without my handphone.
It's pathetic how I always reach for the table as if there's my handphone there, and my eyes betray the truth and I realise my precious baby is gone. :(
But apart from stolen handphone woes, I'm still happy as a duck with cheese.
3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him/her fast?
I think it depends.
But heck, I wouldn't know, since I don't have that much experience in love.
I'm still in my first love. (:
4. Have you ever been heart broken?
5. Do you believe that there are some circumstances, where cheating love is acceptable?
Cheating love? WTF is that?
Anything with the word "cheat" involved, I don't approve, thank you.
Except game cheats. =D
6. Would you take someone back even if he/she cheats on you?
No way.
7. Have you ever talked about marriage to someone else before?
Yeah. One of my favourite topics of discussion cos I've always wanted to be a wedding planner what.
To Laura and Cheryl, i think. And perhaps Alicia.
About our ideal weddings and all that. (:
8. Do you want children?
Yes, please.
9. How many?
Like my family.. It'd be nice to have 4 children, if I could afford it.
2 boys and 2 girls, no preference over order.
10. Would you ever consider adoption?
Uhh. Not really? I don't think I'm infertile.
...I hope. *gasps*
11. If someone likes you now, what do you think is the best way for him/her to let you know his/her feelings?
Dropping subtle hints to create suspense, then plan something utterly romantic and break it to me face to face while gripping my hand suddenly. =D
Yes, I know i'm specific. HAHAHA
12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships?
Only those I know will last.
It's comforting to know there's always someone you can lean on when you're feeling lonely (or horny =P ) and someone you can put total trust in. (:
13. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really. It defies logic and the actual definition of love to love someone you don't know and understand well.
14. Do you believe you can change someone?
I'd like to make a difference in someone's life, that's for sure.
But to change someone would mean invading his/her personal space and not respecting who he/she is as a person.
Then again, unfavourable traits can be groomed into less detestable ones. :)
It depends on WHAT you want to change lah.
15. If you could get married somewhere. where would it be?
Hawaii! Or sentosa, if I can't afford to jet everyone over. HAHHAA.
Some beach wedding somewhere, but please not traditionally in a church. I don't like the enclosed feeling of it. =/
16. Do you give in easily when fighting?
With family, no way. I always have to come out tops, have the last word in the argument.
With friends, I try not to argue. But if we do argue, it depends on the situation. Most of the time no apologies and we just get back to normal life. haha.
Bf ah. Uhh. We've only argued once! We're non-violent/temperamental people.
But have to be 50/50 lah. (:
17. Do you have feelings for someone right now?
18. Do you ever wish that you could have had someone but you messed it up?
Wished, yes.
Messed up, no. (:
19. Have you ever broken a heart?
Not that I know.
I think.
20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy/girl you are deeply in love with, what would you do?
*points gun to heads of to laura, jewel, grace, siok, carol, cheryl, alicia*
hahaha :)
I'd feel very hurt, honestly. I prolly wouldn't talk to the best friend, cos it'd be weird that she's romantically in love with the same guy i love. And in the event (hopefully) that they break up, I don't think i'd talk to her/him/both of them again.
21. Are you missing anyone right now?
And my friends. And my mom, who still isn't talking to me.
It's hard not to miss people when you don't have a phone beside you to text them 'i miss you' when you miss them. :(
22. Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs.
Laura, Matthew, Zafirah, Sara, Cheryl
Who would sell their soul for love?
Or waste one tear on compromise
Should be easy enough
To know a heartache in disguise
But the heart rules the mind
And the going gets rough
Pride takes the fall
When you find that kind of love
I can't help feeling like a fool
Since I lost that place inside
Where my heart knew its way
And my soul was ever wise
Once innocence was lost
There was not faith enough
Still my heart held on
When it found that kind of love
Though beauty is rare enough
Still we trust
Somehow we'll find it there
With no guarantee
It seems to me
At least it should be fair
But if it's only tears and pain
Isn't it still worth the cost
Like some sweet saving grace
Or a river we must cross
If we don't understand
What this life is made of
We learn the truth
When we find that kind of love
Cause when innocence is lost
There is not faith enough
We learn the truth
When we find that kind of love
I wish we all lived in fairytales.