is to love and be loved.
Saturday, October 28, 2006 ( 7:11 PM )
new skin.
i think it's really pretty.
after months of browsing and downloading the wrong code (movable type instead of blogger, pfft, how retarded could i get) i finally changed my blogskin.
couldn't go to vivo with laura and jew and siok and carol today to celebrate siok's birthday, cos mummy didn't allow me. and as what she says is a reward for "listening to her and not rebelling", she cooked my favourite dishes today.
but i still wish i could have gone.
love is a prayer of hope.
Thursday, October 19, 2006 ( 5:51 PM )
Had a fantastic 6th month anniversary date with Martin.
Watched World Trade Center (which, by the way, is not entirely a mindblowing movie. Boo) at PS, then walked around before heading down to Cafe Cartel in Hougang, because the one at PS, although pretty empty, had no more available sofa seats.
I loved the time we spent talking.
While drinking it, I understood why Cartel's Death by Chocolate milkshake,
is named Death by Chocolate.
WAAAAAH. Damn shieok.
I could feel the fats sprouting along my tummy as I drank it,
but damn was it yummy and thick and GOOOOOOOOD.
And and and. Cartel is built on a piece of Antartica is it?
Was seriously freezing when we ate the Lover's Paradise dessert.
I remember Laura telling us once that it's best to eat ice cream when it's cold.
&$*@^# !
Hello, it just makes your tongue feel like it's in a refridgerator.
After all that fun we went to my place. Was kinda surprised he actually wanted to come over, because usually we get plagued by my siblings who act as if they have never seen another human being before, and we have no privacy to talk or whatever.
But yay, he wanted to come over, so yay! and we watched Narnia,
and as expected, my wonderful siblings stuck to us like glue.
Was so pissed off at them but what else could I do? I couldn't complain to my parents cos they wouldn't do anything.
Oh well.
Had a great day on sunday. (:
On another note.
School has been ew so far. The modules are so cheeeeem. Especially finance!
I'm like 100% lost on the first lecture. YAY.
I predict myself failing finance. wahaha.
And i'm so scared of handling the $7000 cameras.
If break ah.. Walau. I don't even dare to think about the consequences.
I need to work about 1000 hours to make up for that.
*runs off in fright*
Thus, my fear of BM0622, Digital Film and Video Production.
I feel so tired. The long school days are wearing me out.
It feels like those uber uber uber long secondary school days, those days where you had PE in the morning, boring 2hour lessons after recess, and then rush off to angmokio sec for your bleddy higher chinese lesson which lasts til 5, and then walk damn far to the busstop, wait forever for the bus, and then walk damn far home when you get off, and when you reach home, you plop down onto your bed and fall asleep rightaway.
I miss having fridays off.
Speaking of which, I have tmr off! WAHAHA. Hope mr azhar cancels next friday, too. (:
You never truly love a person, until the thought of hurting him is enough to break your own heart.
Saturday, October 14, 2006 ( 9:33 PM )
Friday, October 13, 2006 ( 10:35 AM )
I wondered where you guys were,
then I turn around
and I realise you were right behind me all along.
Love and miss you guys.
Can't wait to meet you guys again.
4h gathering! :D
credits to grace.
I miss 4H 2005 so much. Can't wait for a gathering. WHEN YOUR PROMOS END LAH. HAHAHA. FASTER CAN. LOLS. :):):)
Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
Of overreactions to simple matters, man.
First fight with the boyfriend the other day. And I wasn't even all that sure why I was so upset, until that night, when my period came.
AHHHH the wonders of PMS.
But phew. It's all happily resolved now, and I am sitting at the edge of my seat with tingles in my toes waiting for Sunday.
Babe, it's been half a year already!
Soon it'll be your birthday, and then
You'll be OLD.
It's been a very lazy two weeks.
Had the pleasure of rotting at home and waking up at around 11am - 1pm everyday, and sleeping at the horrid hour of 3plus am.
I'm don't mind going to bed at 1, 2 am, but not past 2.30am, please! Because then I can't wake up in the morning. And I hate losing mornings just like that. Boo.
Over the span of the last 2 weeks,
- Alicia has come to visit twice.
First Visit.
Second Visit. (Clarisa's and Papa's birthday - yes, they share the same birthday)
Blogger ate up my pictures for this one. But oh well.
Honestly, my younger brother is such a, uh, drama king lah. Attention grabber, you.
- Jewel and Carol came to visit
And this picture looks very kampong right. With me looking like some mamasan. HAHAHA.
Love y'al. :)
had a mini gathering at Laura's yesterday. Watched Wedding Crashers, and boy, boob coverage. HURHUR. And it was nice seeing grace after like about a month. But sadded cos she and jew left so early lahhhh. Pfft. Haha.
Hm. Think that's it lah. Wanted to post more pictures and i know it's a little cramped, pics and words squasheddddd, but pardon Blogger, I think it's having the time of the month.
Monday, October 09, 2006 ( 6:24 PM )
missing him
the moment he walks away from you
when you stare into his eyes
and you realise how much you love him
hiding the truth
because you know it'd hurt him
buying a present months before his birthday
just because you knew it was perfect
feeling hurt and yet
shutting up because you don't wanna spoil his day
expecting something
but smiling when you don't get it
just because you're just happy that he's here with you
when an sms from him saying he misses you
feels like you've just received a bouquet of roses at your doorstep
when you are willing to travel for a hour
just to see him for five minutes
being willing to give up an hour of what you love
just for a second to lie in his arms and feel so safe
when you wait up a few hours even though you're as sleepy as hell
while waiting for his call
when he finally calls and speaks to you, you continue talking
even though your eyes are falling shut
because you wanna hear his voice
and it's all you've been waiting to hear
all week
knowing you have to let go someday
but feeling your heart break at the simple thought of it.
And i can't believe i wrote that.
My crummy perception of love.
The big L-O-V-E.
I don't usually put lyrics into my blog entry, cos I think it's pretty cheesy.
But this song..
describes exactly what I'm feeling right now
every single word pierces my heart and then I see
how these words, these sentences, this song
how they ring true.
I've always thought of this song as a really happy, romantic to-be-played-on-your-wedding-day kinda song.
But listening to the lyrics,
really listening...
I realise how sad it really is
and how sincere
and I feel for the writer of this song.
I feel you.
Right down to every word.
(except the part about the wife, uhhh.)
"If You're Not The One"
If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?
I'll never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms...
Saturday, October 07, 2006 ( 1:19 AM )
you make me laugh,
you make me smile,
and baby,
you make me cry.
it's funny how i felt at one of my life's lowest yesterday at this exact time,
and today, i feel at one of my life's happiest.
and you know i owe it to you, love. :)
this thing's starting to get complicated,
and yet, it remains simple
and true.
i feel so lucky
and i hope u feel that way too
because out of so many (female) people in the world,
i was given this crazy chance.
and do you
congrats to jewel darling! may this huge step you've taken turn out to be something worthwhile and sugary sweet just like you. you deserve it, dear. *big hug*
Thursday, October 05, 2006 ( 2:45 PM )
Interesting week.
I love rotting at home.
Spent the day with him yesterday.
Got to hear him snore, yay.
MISSO : hahaha. but seriously right! and yeah! they look like udders right?! LOLLLL. =P can you believe it. tsktsk. HAHAHA
lola : so innocent. you're a rare gem lah. *sputters* lol.
manda : well, i don't disagree with the wise statement that
clarice : yeah!! toy makers these days ah. *sighs* lol. *bashes*
kel : yeah, she is so innocent, i tell u, its shocking. HAHAHA
cheryl : yes, you're so right. my my, your brain work like grandprix gears nowadays huh! LOL. =)
shaf : realllyyyy? whyyy. damn hot lehhh. HAHA. but uh, as we all know my hair doesn't work well with experiments so i'll think twice about that. HAHA.
sara : haha which series? hmmmm. interesting. lol. yes yes wedding planning! it's my dream job lah. i can help you organise your super expensive maharaja weddings too! *excited* HEEEE. *organizer freak streak* hahaa
cindy : really? *goes to read* haha u still working at joshua's ar? LOL.
Monday, October 02, 2006 ( 9:56 PM )
Chained by the night
Where only you have the key.
Is a bad thing when you dream of someone repeatedly
a few nights in a row
and just when you think the unconscious habit has died off
it wears on again?
not that i'm complaining, but
is it something to be wary of?
too much?
i love you, so much.
and i hope you do too.
can't wait to see you.
Sunday, October 01, 2006 ( 4:41 PM )
Finally ended my one month stint at Mastereign Enrichment on friday.
And I left with mixed feelings.
Happy that I could leave the boring work behind,
but sad that I had to leave the crazy fun people behind.
Mythili dear I'll miss you like crazy!!! :(
Went to a Children Day's party at church today.
The food was uh, bland to my taste.
It's strange how food other people find salty or sweet or with too much taste,
I might find bland.
I guess its the way I was brought up, living with explosions of tastes everyday.
Peranakan food is THE BOMB pleaseeee. :D:D
Anyway the food there sucked.
And the things they're teaching kids these days!
oh my gawdddd.
Please look at the following pictures and tell me if you don't think they look obscene lah.
The makers of these party decors are seriously twisted.
Perhaps it still looks very innocent from this angle luh, hor. BUT!!!!

When my sister and brothers went off to get sculpted balloons/food/their faces painted,
they left the balloons they'd collected on the table.
And I just so happened to realize at first glance how uh, wrong they were.

Even my mom and dad shared my sentiments (gleefully) when I pointed it out to them. -_-"
There was this guy/dad who was carrying his daughter's pink bag. And the same pink balloon in the other hand.
And the balloon kept jiggling as he walked.
Oh gawd.
I couldn't stop laughing lah.
The innocence some adults still harbour.
Or maybe they just take pride in such things!
Or maybe the current generation is just more, uhhhhh, imaginative.
The blue one ar.
Shades of colour makes it look wronger.

and thank me that I didn't take a picture of the green one.
my goodness.
And then they wonder why kids nowadays know about such blatant stuff, when they've been exposed to things like these at such a young age lor!
Not that they'd see what I see lah, maybe.
Springcleaned the living room today.
I think I'm allergic to dust.
It's sad.
I get rashes and itching sensations wherever the dust touches me. That's kinda the reason why I avoid housework and basically whatever deals with dust.
Would my hair look better if I cut it short huh?