is to love and be loved.
Friday, September 29, 2006 ( 10:56 PM )
Was bloghopping, came across this meme, am so bored so I've decided to do it.
1) How old do you wish you were?
I don’t wish I were any older or younger. I’m happy with my age and I’ll age gracefully and as time wishes me to.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
Arguing with my dad. I wanted to watch a wrestling pay-per-view but my dad insisted on watching the news. And then while sulking in the corner I realized that planes were zipping into buildings in America.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
What can I do? I just curse the machine, give it a kick, and stalk off.
You make it sound like the machines do it on purpose.
4) Do you count yourself kind?
Huh. That’s not for me to judge what. What a bhb question lah.
5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
At the nape of my neck. Corny, but I’d like a rose tattoo. But I scared of pain lah, so forget it. HAHA.
6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
French, please. Sexy.
7) Do you know your neighbors?
No. HHAHAA. I don’t even know how many people are in my neighbour’s family. And I only realized this year that I have two hot guys living as my neighbours. And I’ve lived next to them for more than half a decade at least. Go figure.
8) What do you consider a vacation?
A trip to someplace where I can relax muchos and that has a beautiful beach, followed by a consecutive trip to somewhere where I can shop till I drop.
9) Do you follow your horoscope?
Yes I do. It’s something so intangible, but it’s fun to see if what those crazy astrologers are actually getting paid for does work out. And sometimes it does.
10) Would you move for the person you loved?
Yes, I would. =) Would you move for me?
11) Are you touchy feely?
12) Do you believe that opposites attract?
13) Dream job?
Author or wedding planner. (:
14) Favorite channel(s)?
Ch5, Kids Central. I don’t have cable lah! Its sad. =( But I loved Nickelodeon while I had it.
15) Favorite place to go on weekends?
Shopping at malls. Hanging out at Laura’s. Chilling at home. With him. Or just at home sweet home rotting away.
16) Showers or Baths?
Depends on my mood.
17) Do you paint your nails?
Yes. My nails feel naked without a dash of colour.
18) Do you trust people easily?
To trust wholeheartedly, no.
But I tend to, when meeting and speaking to a person, believe in the innocent goodness of a person.
19) What are your phobias?
Creatures with more than four legs, can fly, jump into my hair, or bite me.
Deep water (I’ve never been in the deep end of a pool, eeek)
Dying without loved ones by my side
20) Do you want kids?
Yes, definitely.
21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
Yes. But it’s been some time since I wrote in it. Blogging is so much easier lah.
22) Where would you rather be right now?
With him.
23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
He does.
My friends do.
And of course, my family does. Sometimes.
24) Heavy or light sleeper?
Combination of the both got anot?
But given how I’m always late you’d think I’m a suppperrr heavy sleeper.
25) Are you paranoid?
Sometimes to the extent I can’t stand my own paranoia.
26) Are you impatient?
To friends and loved ones, not most of the time. Depends.
While tutoring young kids and getting them to understand new concepts which they find completely alien, HELL YES.
27) Who can you relate to?
I relate to humans. And science says apes and chimps, too.
28) How do you feel about interracial couples?
I’m the product of one, and I’m half in one, so how do you think I feel about them?
29) Have you been burned by love?
- scorching in progress -
30) What's your favorite pick-up line?
I don’t do pick-up lines, please.
31) What's your main ring tone on your mobile?
Corrine Bailey Rae – Put Your Records On
32) What were you doing at midnight last night?
Surprisingly, I was sleeping.
33) What did the last text on your cellphone say?
Martin telling me he was going to meet his friends and asking me how my day at work was.
34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
HAHA. 99.999999% of the time, my bed.
But last night my brother crept off and slept next to my parents, so I slept in his bed cos its cooler there.
35) What color shirt are you wearing?
Dark blue.
36) Most recent movie you watched?
Most recent whole movie – How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days.
I’m a sucker for chick flicks, please! :D
37) Name three things you have on you at all times?
Wallet, handphone, clothes.
38) What color are your bed sheets?
Pink baby Minnie.
39) How much cash do you have on you right now?
Uhh. 40 cents?
40) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
41) What's your favorite town/city?
Uh, since I don’t travel much/at all, it’s gotta be the Land of Four Million Smiles, *COUGH COUGH* Singapore.
42) I can't wait till...
…I see him again.
I see my friends again.
I can go shopping with my mom again.
43) What did you have for dinner last night?
Uhhhhh. I think I had, uh.
Can’t remember.
Oh yeahhh. I had Indian mee goring and a bit of Korean Udong.
44) How tall are you barefoot?
161cm, I think. Haven’t measured my height in a loooooong time.
45) Do you own a gun?
This is Singapore, hello.
Just touch a gun and if you don’t possess a police ID, you’re dead, bangbang.
Much less own a gun.
46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Milk from the cereal bowl.
47) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
I think it’s safe to say I’ll be on earth.
Then again, I’ll never know.
48) Last thing you ate?
Chili prawns.
49) What songs do you sing in the shower?
Whatever is within my vocal range and does not cause me to screech and be at a possible risk of receiving charges of noise pollution and disturbing the peace.
50) Last thing that made you laugh?
My conversation with Cheryl.
How dirty minded we have become uh!
51) Worst injury you've ever had?
Rushing for the bus a couple years back while on the way to school, falling down the last few steps of the staircase, grazing my knee, arms, elbows, ankles, palms.
52) Does someone have a crush on you?
I don’t know.
Don’t need to know since I’m happily attached, thank you. (:
53) What's your favorite candy?
Does chocolate count?
54) What song do you want played at your funeral?
Some sad romantic song, perhaps.
I don’t really think about morbid stuff like this, thank you.
Planning your own funeral at age 17!
Pfft. Whoever created this meme must be really pessimistic sey.
55) Eight random people to do this!
Martin (update your blog can! :)
tag replies:
zaf - haha, thanks! (: happy too. hope ur having a fantabulous holiday!
pete - sweet? haha. okay.
jojo - i miss you toooooo! oi, can we please meet up like soon anot?! :D
jordus - photos next entry. hopefully. :P
sara - haha really meh? okaay. thanks :) hows your job coming along ah? u know ar, spag queen! sounds so much like drag queen lah! HAHAHA!
mythili - they weren't just cute. they were also hot, and in a flashy red sports car. and not wearing checked shirts. HAHA. hot, cute indian guys. cuter than ramesh and hotter than jinder. :D:D:D:D i'm gonna miss you SOOO MUCH CAN. i owe u a hot chocolate treat. :D
cin - yeah, nerve wracking it was! haha. but it worked out, yay! haha
misso - haha yeah! that was nice of her lah. (:
manda - eh, how come! saddening. but at least you two are still blissfully together. that's what matters. good luck dear! :)
felicia - haha aiyer i look the same lah, 2 eyes 2 nose 3 mouth.. :P haha 4h gathering soon hor! :)
cherine - nope my name is cherylene. thanks for dropping by. :)
anne - thanks. you take care, too, please. miss u!
You showed me that love doesn't have to hurt
to feel good
Sunday, September 24, 2006 ( 1:42 AM )
So, met his mom and brother and aunt last thursday.
He confirmed the time and all at 3.40 and the time to meet was 4.30, so i was kinda in a mad rush racing around the house trying to find my clothes and shoes and all that.
There was really no time for me to wash my hair before I left.
So I was more nervous about having crazy flat hair than meeting his mom. HAHA.
How bimbotic, I know.
*slaps herself*
So i took a walk to the bus stop. And HULLO, this bus stop ah. All my life I've been living here, and all my life I've had to wait pretty long for my bus at this bus stop.
But thank you very much, the moment I stepped onto the bus stop platform i see the bus roaring in the distance. How opportune. -_-
And the bus ride seemed so short. Too short, for my nervous liking.
And I was so stupid can. I wanted to stop at hg mall not knowing that the bus stops at hg interchange (hg mall is NEXT to hg interchange), so i stupid stupid so drama came down the second deck of the bus while it was still in motion and press the bell.
And then i saw the bus turning into hg interchange.
Like, not stupid what. -.-
Haha. I walked AS SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY as i could to Cartel. And i walked into Cartel, asked for martin, and was directed to the corner seat where his mom and his brother were seated.
It was the first time I met either of them so my first thought as I smiled and approached them was um, correct people anot huh. later if not them wait they think i'm some crazy loony who's smiling at them for no reason.
But it was them lah, yay. :D
It was kinda scary at first cos he wasn't there, and it was a little awkward sitting there while his mom smiled at me and then continued talking in hokkien to his brother. haha. But i cooled down and relaxed muchos after he came and slid into the seat next to me.
Most of the dinner was spent with his mom and brother and aunt conversing in dialect and mandarin with bits of english spewed in between. And they are a funny bunch. Reminds me of my family, where we keep insulting and making fun of each other good(or not)naturedly with no end. :)
That's how a family should be right? Kicking each other where it hurts and then laughing about it with each other. :D:D
And i was really nervous at the beginning so much that I didn't even dare to eat luh. Afraid the chicken would fly off my plate or something and I'd make a fool out of myself.
But at one point his mom said, nervous what, all family what! (or something along those lines) and it really comforted me luh. I don't know why. :)
After dinner we scooted to his house for a while and his mom gave us guava. And the guava was delicious! Coated with some orange bits. And i loved it; this coming from a person who hates guava. HAHA.
He sent me home after, and there was this little black and white cat that was sitting under a tree below my flat. He went to play with it and sayanged it and all that, and after less than a minute the cat started purring and getting affectionate and cute and all.
And then the cat starts rubbing itself against my legs. Even when I was standing a distance away watching him psycho the kitty.
Proves how smart animals are, huh. It knew I was safe to hang around just because I was with him, I guess.
Or maybe it smelt my scent on him. Hmm. *snickers*
HA. Smart kitty. It followed us to the stairs later! I was so tempted to bring it home with me. But i can't lah. My mother would kill me, and my brother and his allergy. GRRRR.
And it was there when he came down again, he said. HAHA. But it ran off from him this time lah.
Must be afraid of him cos I'm not there lah. HEEEEEEEEEEE. :D:D:D
And gawd, I always hate to see him go. =(
Even though I might have just spent 5 hours with him.
Just came home from my uncle's 60th birthday party at this quaint little restaurant at Sembawang beach, near where my granddad's house used to be. He owned quite a bit of land that was near the sea.
And Sembawang beach is so gorgeous lor! Omg. Way better than Changi and all the other polluted beaches lah.
Saw all my cousins and aunties and uncles and nieces and a nephew I never knew existed there.
They were all grown up, older, matured.
I wasn't the only one who'd grown.
I saw one cousin of mine, who I think I was pretty close to when I was younger. Her face looked so familiar..And when her dad called her name it suddenly struck me that yes, this was a cousin I was particularly close to back then.
We kept smiling at each other during dinner cos we were sitting at the same table and opposite each other, hopefully she found me familiar too.
And then at one point my siblings all went outside, her brothers went outside, she wanted to go outside, and she beckoned me to come along, and instinctively I shook my head,
and then I kicked myself inside for my utter stupidity.
I should have gone lah, made small talk or whatever. Then at least I'd gotten to know one cousin reasonably well instead of feeling like a complete stranger amidst them.
I feel so alienated whenever I'm with my paternal relatives. Because I rarely meet them, and I can barely distinguish who is who. Each time I meet all of them at once, I discover cousins and relatives I never knew I had, and new oh-so-friendly in-laws who don't know me.
I wish I was close to them, really, because they're a nice bunch.
But the thing is, I'm not, so end of story.
Maybe that's why I hunger so much for close friendships.
Because I don't harbour close knit ties with my gigantic extended family, anyway.
And then there was the funny incident in the car while we were driving back.
We stopped at the traffic light,
and in typical movie fashion there was this group of cute guys in the car next to us.
And they kept smiling and staring at me,
and I didn't know whether to smile back politely, flip them off or just ignore them,
so I just continued talking with my brother,
who, like the rest of the family, (thankfully) didn't notice the freak show next door.
And then they started honking the horn, goodness.
And I didn't dare to look, but I glanced at the main driver, who gave me a look that spoke volumes.
And thank you daddy for speeding away.
Don't be stressed, hello.
You know you're the only guy in my heart. :)
Thursday, September 21, 2006 ( 12:32 AM )
I'm sick.
Sore throat.
And I don't know why I'm so bloody sick.
Was practically sleeping on the table.
Called Temasek JC at least 10 times. Because it has that "please press 1 for ____, please 2 for _____ ... press * to repeat the main menu."
And I pressed * at least 5 times per call. HURHUR.
wanted to waste time away!
And I successfully wasted about 20mins to half an hour calling TJC. :D
But it was mainly (one reason was cos I was bored shitless) cos I was sick, my eyes were burning and half closed.
I was listless, sleepy, and feverish. So the sluggish work can be pardoned.
I don't even know why I'm sick luh. Maybe it's cos of being in the rain the other day.
Or maybe cos I miss him, though I've only seen him like yesterday! and the day before, and the day before as well, I think. Uhh.
After work went to Serangoon Garden to look for Laura while she was at her *ahem* retail assistant job. There was a mini gathering, apparently; Grace (whom I haven't seen in sooooo longgggg! :D), Siok, Jewel and Laura and me were there together for the first time in a long time. I was so happy despite my heavy migraine and fever, to see them after a long time was such a high.
And though it was a short meeting, like an hour plus, it was a pretty nostalgic and cheerful meeting.
And I sincerely hope we can all go out together soon. Jew, Siok, Grace, Laura, me and Carol (WHERE ARE YOU, CAROL. I'VE NOT SPOKEN TO YOU IN 28934423859634 YEARS LUH.=( )
He's asked me to go meet his mom tomorrow. *gulp*
If i'm feeling better, that is.
I'm on the fence on that one.
Monday, September 18, 2006 ( 7:44 PM )
I don't know how I'm gonna get through tomorrow.
Another 6 bored-to-shitless hours of calling up the same ol' same ol' schools over and over again in a futile attempt to make appointments with high and mighty school educators.
please help me.
i want to quit, like, now.
and spend the rest of my holidays shopping my earnings away.
Went to Serangoon Gardens today. AND BOY, WAS IT THE WORST DAY TO GO OUT.
Bloody huge rains luh.
Got caught in the rain at the sg circus bus stop, and we couldn't go anywhere cos it was raining elephants and donkeys. Could only walk around the stretch of shops at Guardian/Country Manna (not Nanna, lah! :) and we couldn't go anywhere else if we wanted to keep our underwear dry. (for the simple sake of not getting a cold lah, you sick minded freaks)
So then clever me had such a great idea.
me : so how? where you wanna go like that??? (growls internally at Gawd of Weather)
him: or you wanna go take shelter at McDonalds?
sidenote: McDonalds was oh, about 200m away. Near right. YEAH IN THE F**KING RAIN IT WAS. =( hadta cross a street and encounter at least a 50m stretch of pouring rain. PFFT.
(and, omg, i can't believe I was bored enough to draw that =S )
me : (thinks) uhh. Okay!
him: But how to go there? (chuckles at rain)
me : (fed up of rain and my already wet jeans' legs) AIYER. Just run lah!
him: run? sure anot? (takes my bag containing my precious cheque and protects it)
me : yaaa! sure! (HOW SCHTOOPID COULD I GET.)
him: okay ar, 1,2,3..
and we ran, hand in hand, and my slipper felt so..slippery ( -.- ) ...
and halfway, i stumbled a little, let go of his hand, felt granite under my toes, and
i knew something was
Something like my slipper kapuuutting off my foot, allowing my feet the pleasure of tasting sweet granite.
So i had to continue the other 100m or so barefooted, and thank you HDB for placing a knick knack shop next to Macs, cos they sold those ahma/ahkong-ish white slippers with blue straps and he bought it for me. It's fugly, but since there wasn't a shoe shop within a 2838973434 cm radius of where we were, I had to make do with it lah.
And hey! It's actually pretty comfy lah. Laura, now you know why your dad likes it so much. Focus on nei zhai mei lah, hor.
I have an affinity with broken shoes. I think this year alone I have killed 5 slippers already. HUR.
So instead of Cartel-ing, we had Mac's instead. 20pc nuggetssss and friesssss with 5 curry sauce packets. :D:D:D
Ever since I enrolled into NYP i've had a phobia of eating at a Mac's outlet that is not within NYP premises. Because its so BLOODY expeeeensssiiivvveee outside LOR. pfft.
And, and, and! 5mins into Macs, THE BLOOOOOOOOODY RAIN STOPPPPPPED.
me and my super beeerright ideas.
So after Mac's we headed to DBS to go make my bank account, and i was so scared cos i was afraid I'd screw up while making my account lah. And the schtoopid lady made me a DBS account instead of a POSB account, and i stupid stupid didnt know and just went along with it until I left the place and I looked at my card and I was like, UHH. WHY IS THE LOGO DBS LOGO HUH.
*@&^ please.
And is my name so difficult to spell lah! It's C-H-E-R-Y-L-E-N-E lah. =( kena wrong how many gafillion times in my life already. sadded. HAHA. :)
So after bank-ing we went to pass Laura's maid Laura's cheque. (eh, i damn nice to collect and deliver for you can. AND I THINK YOU STILL OWE ME TREATOS FOR DYEING YOUR HAIR. HEEEEE :D )
And then went to my place, went to our spot but it was taken up by some ah bengs. So went to another spot where an unusually high count of Indian expatriates walked past.
He didn't like it.
And he made fun of them too. OI, ISNT THAT EQUIVALENT TO MAKING FUN OF HALF OF ME!?!?!? *cries*
and we took loads more photos lah. but on his N70. and asking him to upload is like asking Osama to pay you a Chinese New Year visit. :P
hahaha! and there was this pigeon who kept eyeing us and walking all around us like we were its escargo lah. if thats the right way to spell it.
damn cute lah. why do birds have to cock their heads so rapidly when they walk?
i think God just put them on earth for us to laugh at them. And for them to punish us with shit on our heads when we're naughty. WHY CULL PIGEONS. THEY ARE DARLINGLY CUUUTE. in a schtoopid way.
Sunday, September 17, 2006 ( 4:57 PM )
What a boring video.
Munch, munch, munch.
and btw, shall do the meme thingy next time when i am not feeling lazy. have a happy rainy day, people.
Saturday, September 16, 2006 ( 1:32 PM )
If you tag on my board,
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours.
In order of tags:
1. You are chubby in that must-pinch way
2. Don't exercise for a week (Muahaha)
3. Purple
4. You're pretty insightful and reflective
5. That picture of you and Sarah (Were yal going to some formal event? Hm! :)
6. Beetles
7. Who takes all your photos for you, dude? haha
1. I think of Amanda, I think of the sun
2. Do a blog entry on 10 Ways to Spice Up One's Sex Life (HAHA :p)
3. Yellow
4. I admire your strength, really I do :)
5. Speaking to you on the last day of orientation when you sat next to me in the sports complex/stadium
6. Teddy bear
7. How many boyfriends have you had?
2. Go to IHM with me one day and walk up to any guy and tell him you think he's cute.
3. Veggie green
4. The way your long fingers wriggle
5. You with your mom at the old SJC when we were still having cat class there
6. Long tailed monkey
7. Why do you associate yourself with eggs??
1. You are forever cute and in style
2. Go goth for one week
3. Bright girly pink
4. How you always have a smile on your chubberised face and how YOU ARE SO SUPER SMART. PFFT :)
5. Meeting you for the first time in Mrs Lau's class, in 1H and thinking you were arrogant (so not lor! love u! :)
6. A little white puppy wagging its tail furiously with its tongue out. Oh, and with a spot on the left eye
7. What's the longest b/g relationship you ever had?
1. You are narcisstic
2. Go into a guy's bathroom (on purpose) and flirt with one of the guys peeing in the urinals
3. White
4. You're always there when I need you; what would I do without you?
5. A photo I took of you (donning double pigtails) sitting in Uncle Zhu's bus with a stupid grin on your face
6. A parrot with a huge beak
7. What if THE ONE wants to have kids oh-so-desperately?
1. You've got such nice cheekbones *poke*
2. Wear an afro wig to school and scream "I LOVE JONATHAN LEONG!"
3. Peach
4. How you've got a group of girlfriends to fall back on, so sweet
5. Saying hi to you when you sat next to Khai at orientation
6. Duckling
7. Curl your hair, please? HAHA
1. You're afraid of getting hurt and you seem to hold back
2. Plan something utterly romantic, surprise me, sweep me off my feet (not literally, please) :D
3. Red
4. I can tell you anything and I'm not afraid that you'll judge me
5. You walking up to me in that light blue shirt when we first met
6. UHH. Goldfish :D:D:D
7. Why do you like me, and when did you start? (hur. you never told me. HAHAHAHAA)
1. You look like Evelyn Tan
2. Wear bright red lipstick to town and give me a big fat smooch on the cheek
3. Soft, tissue paper pink
4. You're so gentle and sweet and have a heart of gold. Did I mention I love you? :D
5. You standing behind your mom when we first met in Primary 1 by the staircase outside the OLGC tuckshop
6. Bunny wabbit
7. Have you really forgiven me? HMM. haha
1. It's so hard to imagine you getting into a fight with someone else, HAHA
2. Quit soccer for a week and devote your time to knitting a sweater for your girl
3. Beige (sorry, not red or black :P)
4. You're not afraid to be yourself
5. Turning around to introduce myself to Fiz and you, and thinking you were a very quiet boy
6. Clownfish. HAHA
7. If you died, went to purgatory, and had to choose who to be reincarnated as, would you choose to live your next life as Beckham or Bush?
1. You are just plain eccentric :D
2. Wear mini skirts or dresses for a week and be supeeer girly :)
3. Brown
4. How you're comfortable being such a goofball
5. You introducing yourself in soozle's class and speaking about how you torture your cats :D
6. Squirrel
7. If you had to shag any guy(s) in our class in order for CR or Kwon to marry you, who would it be?
1. You represent/are the Goddess of Shoe Heaven
2. Pucker up and go tongue with Habez (or any other guy from the class la, you can take your pick if you prefer, HEEEE) in front of the class! (HHAHAAHAHAHA)
3. Red and white stripes
4. You remind me that life is about enjoying it, for some reason, and fun comes before work :)
5. Your joyful expression whenever the topic of shuai ges come up
6. A seductive kitten. Does that make sense?
7. Why doesn't the wax method work for sara and me!!!?! =(
1. You look damn mature, you know, like you're 20 smth. HAHA
2. Stalk Paul Twohill/Hady/Jon with me. Or go on weekly roadshow stalking trips with me next season! :D:D:D
3. Deep blue
4. How you seem so cheerful
5. Paiseh leh, can't really remember you in primary school, you know. Sadded. Post primary sch pics pls? AHHH. Have this image of you wearing our prefect's tie with a huge smile on your face. Wonder if its my imagination or an actual memory. HAHAHA :D
6. A tiny hamster with cute buck teeth :)
7. Why did you choose mass comm?
that's it.
all above comments are not intentionally meant to hurt or poke fun at the above mentioned. if you feel provoked, please take it up with
Working at Mastereign is so utterly boring. When I come to work I look forward to lunchtime, because then it is bitching session with Mythili where we talk about sad indian guys or cute sri lankan guys or certain gay people we know at work, and after coming back to the office at lunchtime, I look forward to toilet breaks and 4pm where I zoom off home.
AND OMG, I passed lah. Got B+s and Bs for everything. And, and, and! CRAZY but I got A for marketing! Can you believe it, cos I think NYP screwed it up. Thanks for screwing, NYP. :D
I realise that I eat more when I'm angry/sad/depressed, and I prefer to sleep off the unhappiness and escape it rather than face it and have all those thoughts running through my head.
Got pissed at you yesterday. Maybe I overreacted? But I felt really disappointed.
But I'm glad it's cleared up lah.
And I'm sorry that I made you worry, but I really didn't feel like replying.
And I hope you had a great 5th monthsary yesterday.
It was great for me too until you smsed me, then I started moping around.
And, and, and. Don't forget to take a GOOD LOOK at your schedule tomorrow hor!
I still love you, no matter.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 ( 6:22 PM )
Monday, September 11, 2006 ( 5:44 PM )
on the fields of bliss
a gentle shove
and i realise the hand was his
all along
tightly latched to mine
as we sang our song
dancing in the sunshine
for you to call my name
with our fingers twirling our fates
entwined, so much the same
strength i shall have, if
we be, from you sweet love i receive.
all the love songs i've been listening to
are really getting to me
all the nonsensical things that are sprouting
as i lay my fingers on the keyboard.
what would i do without you?
Sunday, September 10, 2006 ( 11:16 PM )
but i felt so disturbed after reading your blog.
learning more.
and i had no right to be disturbed, and furthermore no reason to be.
but i still was.
and the problem was
i didn't know why i was so disturbed.
and still am. a little, though lesser than before.
and it's just struck me that there were other reasons,
other than the obvious ones;
as to why i was disturbed.
i realised
partly why i am disturbed,
is because it seems to me that
the past rings in a way the present does
and i deeply fear that if that is so,
won't the present turn out into a future that echoes so similarly as did the past?
and will history not repeat its horrific cycle?
will our fates be the same as what was written in the literature you wrote?
and here goes
my imagination
running free
on the plains on green ecstacy.
Saturday, September 09, 2006 ( 6:48 PM )
i'm so sad that steve irwin has left the world.
and very definitely, he has left this cruel polluted world for a much better paradise.
a paradise with smiling crocs and non venomous sting rays.
i mourn his loss greatly, because he was my idol.
seriously, he was.
i dreamt of working with him, of living a life like his, so close to the wild, so in touch with nature, so one with the world.
like many others, i grew up watching his programs
i was always in awe of how he handled creatures that have been labelled by ignorant humans as 'dangerous and lethal' with care and love,
and all the information and nuggets of animal trivia that i got out of your program
that actually managed to remain in my head.
he was a figure i looked up to.
and there aren't many people i look up to.
perhaps he is the one public figure and celebrity
i have whole respect for.
and he has passed on
doing something he loved.
isn't that how we all want to die?
quickly, in love, in the midst of something that comforts us.
i salute you, steve.
for all you have done for the animal kingdom, for your constant protests against animal cruelty, for living your life as best you could.
thank you sir, for doing so much for the world,
so much til you gave up your life for it.
you are a modern day hero
and i will miss you dearly.
paris hilton got caught for drink driving yesterday.
and it always amazes me how much the media can blow things WAY out of proportion.
being a media student, it confuses me a lot.
the media truly holds a immense amount of power.
and with that power you can do a lot of things, and it really boils right down to nothing but your personal values.
with great power comes great responsibility.
paris just had ONE magarita!
and she was speeding cos she wanted a burger.
perfectly humane reasons.
and yet the media chooses to blow things up
and makes it appear as if she was zooming dangerously down a jammed highway whilst drinking and smoking pot and storing 50 kilos of dope in the backseat.
live and let live, please.
and that whole gigi leung incident too.
why on earth would you want to shame another person you don't know personally and bear no grudges to so badly? so much that an entire continent feels her pain?
does it make any sense to you?
because it really makes no sense to me.
i had 4 goldfish. but ever since the kuku cleaning lady came along and broke the filter in the fishtank, all of them have been dying off one by one.
there're only 2 fish left.
one huge goldfish that's survived about half a year with us already and which i suspect is a cockroach in disguise,
and one tiny lionheaded goldfish that's on the verge of death.
the poor thing's fin got trapped in the broken filter,
the filter has some suction thing going on, and there's this invisible whirlpool, a current in the tank,
and the poor tiny fish is caught in it,
too weak to move, too powerless to go against the current.
and streaks of blood and wounds can be seen on its pathetic, fragile body.
it pains me to see a living life form living its last moments so helplessly, so painfully.
it makes me wonder about the fragility of life, and how helpless even humans are when an inch away from death, and still hanging.
hanging in there, although we want so much to be dead.
me and my dad were discussing if we should just throw the tiny dying lionhead away,
because we don't want it to suffer.
but then, would it be right to kill it?
would it be right to control its death and act as its Grim Reaper?
or would it be better to end its pain?
one simple, quick death.
one healthy but stubborn, trying so hard to move against the flow for no reason;
and the other, weak and dying, not putting up a fight as life slowly slips away.
speaking of goldfish,
i know what to get for your birthday, my dear goldfish!
which is a whole, uhh, 2 months away.
i'm so excited. :)
Thursday, September 07, 2006 ( 10:58 PM )
And here's the thingy I was supposed to put up some time back cos I tagged manda.
If you tag on my board,
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours.
I've been working at Mastereign Enrichment so far as a telemarketer. And though I haven't even touched what I am supposed to be doing (it's been almost a week and I've still been doing other admin stuff) I'm actually in charge of making appointments for the sales executive who's like my supervisor. Basically most schools have already worked with this company at least once, so Mastereign isn't unfamiliar to them.
I'm in charge of making appointments for their Mastereign Professionals section. It's actually enrichment modules for NT and NA students thats are actually funded by MOE, courses that enrich the students with elective practical skills that will prepare them for jobs like sound engineer, hairstylist, music producer, graphic designer, junior chef, for example.
Good afternoon, I'm just calling to check who is the HOD of PCCG in your school?
No, I don't need to speak to them in person, I just need to know the name of the person in charge.
PCCG stands for Pastoral Care and Career Guidance, mam/sir.
No HOD for PCCG? Oh, okay, thanks.
Oh, I'm calling from Mastereign, and I'm currently updating my teachers' list, so I just need to know the names of the HODs.
May I know how to spell that?
Ok. Thanks a lot. Bye.
Oh they're not in school?
When will they be back?
Okay then, I'll call back. Thanks. Bye.
That has been my typical script so far, for the past couple of days. I called up almost all the schools in Singapore and it's been really fun speaking to ignorant clerks and getting the phone slammed in my face. No, really, it's seriously fun, I'm not being sarcastic.
But I'm just surprised how much office staff don't know about the school. Most of them don't know off hand what's PCCG or who their HODs are. It just goes to show the level of service in schools. Tsk.
And I called up my old schools too. It was so nostalgic I tell you.
When I call up Mrs Ng tomorrow and telemarket the elective modules I'm supposed to market, I'm gonna be all hi Mrs NG!!! REMEMBER ME ANOT? I KEPT BUGGING YOU FOR HELP IN AMATHS! PLEASE AGREE TO MAKE AN APPT FOR MY BOSS TO COME MEET YOU AND SELL STUFF! :):)
or not. it might get me fired.
HUR. Work's been fun though. I'm looking forward to work.
And my dad is so weird. He told me he met Dick Lee today.
And we all know what a jokester my dad is.
But, apparently, HE DID meet him.
Cos even my mom said he did.
And my mom doesn't lie.
Apparently my dad used to have friends in high places in his heyday. (UGGH) Apparently Dick was his old bud. Uggh.
And if his claim is true, and if Dick's answer to my dad's supposed questioned is true,
then I know who wins Singapore Idol.
I won't go see Sing Idol on saturday liao. Or any consequent Season 2 roadshows anymore.
martin came to fetch me from work today.
and i don't know why, but babe you looked hot today. :)
and we went to toa payoh, and whoopie! say yay for miss suaku.
I had my first McDonald's Milkshake today! YAY! Though the chocolate one I had wasn't that good. Was really thick and made me pretty full. HAHA.
And took 73 to my place. while waiting for the bus there were these 3 blind men who were holding onto each other's shoulder, which I thought was so sweet. Which is not the best way to describe it, but.. it just made me feel warm thinking that for them at least, there's someone they can rely on, and place their trust in, and trust their lives and safety with.
And don't we all wish to be able to trust our loved ones so wholly?
We sat at the windy spot again. Really wished he could have stayed longer, but he had to go off for his game, his first basketball game in months.
I miss you already.
Saturday, September 02, 2006 ( 8:02 PM )
It was my second time going for an autograph session, the first being a coupla years ago when I was still into the world of WWE, and I went for their session and got kissed on the cheek by Chris Benoit, got very nice autographs, and shook hands with Tajiri and Torrie Wilson.
So I met Jewel and Laura at 1pm at compass point, and after being disappointed and cursing ourselves for not queuing up earlier (the queue stretched out to OUTSIDE compass) and after picking a spot at the side of the stage, we went shopping at Metro. We tried on so many pieces of clothing for fun, and we always go to the Kiddy Fitting Room since the Adult Fitting Room is always so freaking crowded. =X there was only one cubicle (which is damn huge! loves) that's available so me and laura shared since it was almost 3pm, which meant IDOL ROADSHOW STARTING IDOL ROADSHOW STARTING IDOL ROADSHOW STARTING. =D
haa and this time just our luck, some rude girl was like being so snobbish and qian bian.
She was there for barely one minute, and when her mother came to check on her, she kept saying "2 people in there," "those 2 people inside taking SOO long!".
I shot her a dirty look. I swear, if she wasn't so young, I would have.. oh nvm.
Like, patience, please? And why are you such a brat and so impatient when you're barely ten years old?
ANYWAY. So after Metro-ing we went down to the spot we'd originally wanted to stand at,
but it was so crowded by the time we got there! Damn. We should have just stood there and waited instead of being so itchy backside and deciding to go look around.
And man, Compass Point was NEVER this crowded before. It must have had thriple, maybe four or five times its usual daily customer count. SO MANY PEOPLE. Even Jon Leong was stunned, as you'll see later. =D=D=D
We stood pretty near to the side of the stage and we got to see DANIEL ONG up close! He's much more cute in person than he is on tv.
Dan the Man (Number 15, is it? Haha) appreciating the dance by D.A.T.
Like I said before, the crowd at Compass was pretty huge. Those kids (and their parents) who came to participate in the Kids Central Monster Kingdom thingy constituted about a fifth of the crowd.
And Mr. Jon Leong, man you could tell by the look on his face, and how he reacted so slowly that this was prolly the largest audience garnered so far at all the roadshows done. (whether he's jus reaaaallly amazed by the crowd, or if he's always so blur, i don't know - he took so long to register that he had to turn around and sign the posters, even when all the other 3 already were busy signing, even Daniel Ong laughed at him, haha)
looking around in his shades, stunned.
Still looking around, dazed. His mouth starts to fall.
Still can't believe it! Man, gotta take off those pretty shades to take a good look at this crowd.
I think today's crowd was multiple times larger than that he sees every week at the tiny studio in Mediacorp. And honey, you gotta get used to it! You'll be standing before a crowd ten times bigger than this at the Indoor Stadium!
HADY! GO HADY! The screams for Hady were the loudest. Zafirah will be proud.

Paul Twohill being interviewed by Dan. I have no idea which chio bu he's pointing at.
(there's a freakin' indentation on my big toe nail! :( )
and whoopie!
his daughter got the poster. GRR. she was standing right in front of us and it landed right on in front of her on the floor. IF I DIDN'T GET STOMPED ON THE FOOT THE POSTER WOULD HAVE BEEN MINE, GIRLY. GRR. ALL I HAD TO DO WAS TO REACH UP AND GRAB LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. grr.
beefy security guy (bsg) (waves us back and cuts the line in half) : okay, move back.
me (high) : okay.
bsg (speaks on his walkie talkie) : huh. ok. (to us) no more no more.
me: huh?
bsg: no more freebies. no more no more.
and then this sweet bald bsg at the premium table was being nice and telling us that there was no more premiums nicely. rather than the other bsg who said it so condescendingly. the sweet bald bsg was also the same bsg who thanked us for queueing up. :)
Hady signing. When the crowds cleared up. HEE.
And Jasmine. She was so sweet lor. When we were watching them leave there was this cute little girl who wanted Jasmine's autograph, and she wanted to stop and sign for her, but the BSGs pushed her away and out the building. HUR.
Imagine, we were standing at the stage, and when Paul stood up to say they were about to leave (since Dan had left the building for some reason) me and laura ran back to the exit, where they were going to leave from. HAHA.
And Jon Leong said bye to us! =D=D=D and Laura grabbed Paul's thumb.
She said it felt like a thumb, only stronger.
Friday, September 01, 2006 ( 8:56 PM )
I wish you read this.
I wish I'd never done it. Then you wouldn't be so pissed with me. Then you wouldn't bring this up everytime. Then you wouldn't be hurt. Then you wouldn't hate me.
I changed it, I really did. See? But you still don't believe me. You still don't trust me.
Forgive me, please? I know it's not easy but could you try, please?
So, when will you hear what I have to say?
When will you see what I have to show you?
When will you speak the words I long to hear?
When will you understand that I'm always here for you?
How people change. How cold they seem when they don't get what they want, when things don't go their way, when others don't respond the way they'd want them to.
went to laura's yesterday to help her dye her hair, since she doesn't have eyes at the back of her head. Pity, pity. The end result was a dark brown/close to black tinge. Which I (still) insist can be seen. HUR. I called the telemarketing job for the second time to bug them since they didnt call me back like they said they would, while she went to the toilet with the dye half done.
And hoots! Persistence pays off, cos they called me later saying I got the job. Thanks Mom and Dad, for letting me bug you endlessly all these years when you said NO to what I wanted. =D cos LOOK! I've developed such a honourable trait! *coughs*
Hair dyes, watch out. I'M COMIN TO GETCHA. *evil laughs*
I'm listening to Evanescence now, the old album. And I just realised why I liked it in the first place. Because it's dark, and this "darkness" cultivates great space for creativity. Does that make sense? Haha.
So anyways, after dyeing the delusional one's hair, we went to mac's and pigged out on large fries. and then we got medium fries and pigged out some more! (IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! =) I love pigging at macs when I go over to laura's. :):) do it more often yeah? good for you since you're as thin as a stick while i, uhh, well am not. HAHA. bad for me but WHO CARES. :D
He came to meet us at macs, and laura zhaoed real quick with her 3 EVMs.
We walked around the gardens for a while, but got bored cos unless you're looking to gain a little weight by eating 20 meals a day, there's really nothing there. And it never fails to amaze me how short a trip to the bathroom can be for guys.
So we took the bus to my place and we sat under the next block, in this quiet, super windy spot i love that's behind the basketball court. because he was scared to go up to my house, is my family that frightening? saddening. haha :) and we stole some poor soul's wireless from our place in the void deck and he showed me, the website for the movie which i think is gonna show soon (or has it already shown? and i call myself a media student. BAH :) where the lead guy is his friend, apparently.
and then my laptop's battery died while watching the preview halfway, haha. damn.
why doesnt PAP install powerpoints in void decks, huh?
So we just sat/lay down/stood there for a coupla hours and talked/laughed at passerbys/laid on each other's lap(i didnt!darn.haha)/had fun/tickled/scanned each other's bags for pornographic materials(i'll keep it a secret, yes i will)/smiled/sat in companionable silence.
And he taught me how to use bluetooth! :D:D:D (argh. I know i'm a suaku. You don't have to laugh, can?) Apparently I don't need a pin code and what shit. HAHA.
And I can't remember what was happening at that moment, but I got a call from that telemarketing company I was bugging :D and I got the job! *jumps for joy* although the pay is okay, I'll only be working for 5 hours a day leh. So I won't really be getting that much. Saddening. And laura's in a different position. She's a "temp" (what the heck does a temp do anyway?) while I'm a telemarketer! yays. i'm supposed to sell "holistic programs" to schools. which is familiar, cos my dad does that, and I always hear him marketing his comp's mag on the phone. HEE but hoots, i got a job, so yay.
Cherylene Renée Dewi D/O Surederam -- [adjective]: Tastes like fried chicken 'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
damn. i did this three times. and first i got "immortal", and then "person who'll start a cult", and then THIS. great. i taste like fried chicken? HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? YOU HAVEN'T TASTED ME, DOODOO. :)
'What" will your obituary say?' at |
If you can't see the picture, it says,
Cherylene Renée Dewi D/O Surederam died with a grimace, and will be miserably missed by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The tmnt are hot. Not that I find turtles hot, but the way they move and jump around so swiftly - swish, swish, chop, chop! blood and gore - man, it's sweeeet.
and i did another one, what's my hidden talent?, and apparently my "hidden" talent is WRITING! yay. true, muchos. :D but for some reason i can't paste it here cos of some problem with the codes. bleah.
sleepy, we are. nice weather!
i think i love you,
but i'm afraid to tell you,
because i don't wanna lose you