is to love and be loved.
Friday, July 28, 2006 ( 7:17 PM )
i haven't blogged in..err..close to a week?
just that with all the ICAs and everything, i'm just so tired.
like, really, really, realllllly tired.
did my code of ethics until 9 yesterday, realized the box i bought at spotlight for a ripoff price of 7 bucks was tooooo big, and that i should have bought the smaller box instead.
wanted to burn the midnight oil as usual and continue my soozles work late into the night
but my dad forced me to go sleep at 12.
so continued doing my journal, copying it word for word on black paper, at macs and in class.
i honestly don't see the sense in doing the ethics thing for our creativity module,
because the whole thing is purely arts and crafts all over again.
and we just write/print/paste our supposed ethics and values on our finished products.
i understand that its supposed to be creative,
and it is fun,
but i don't understand how it ties in with the whole 'ethics' idea.
you get what i mean?
and i'm so tired now but i refuse to go to sleep.
i don't like taking naps.
its like wasting time.
and while i'm tired, i'm at the same time feeling hyper.
my body is exhausted but my brain is still hopping and very much alive.
much because of the excessive intake of caffeine that i had today.
coke + coffee + cherylene = hyperactivity.
was supposed to dinner with him today,
but i'm sort of grounded.
which is just sad,
cos i haven't seen him for about a week already. *sighs*
but its okay! i will wait in anticipation.
hahahaa XD
my sister is doing her homework next to me now,
she's only 7 going on 8 years old,
and people say she looks like a carbon copy of me
and while i don't agree to that
i do agree we have some similar features
she's just a much fairer, prettier version of me
she looks eurasian lah,
so much fairer that my dad has commented before that when he walks with her people might think he kidnapped her or something
hahaha :)
she's, like, soooo cute that i cant stand it lahhhhhhhhh!
*tries to act cute*
*does cindy pose*
*fails miserably*
lol :)
had a bitching session today online,
and somehow after speaking to laura later,
i feel bad for bitching about *her too.
but somehow i feel she doesn't deserve the marks she gets,
because she does nothing.
hardly turns up meetings.
doesn't make an effort to get involved.
and yet, she gets away with it,
gets pretty much the same grade as the other members in her groups,
when she has done nothing.
it just pains me that such an unfair educational system exists.
perhaps she does have valid reasons for all she does,
but it would be nice if you could face us in person and tell us
why you're behaving like this?
i shan't say more.
i'm stuck with her for azhar's ica4. AGAIN.
and i am going to confront her if she dares miss one meeting.
seeing as how we only received the brief like today and we only have a week to complete it. if she doesn't contribute, i'm going to be damn frank in my peer evaluation.
i will not let thoughts of ..... ruin my happy day.
the world seems a brighter place,
when i'm with you. :)
Friday, July 21, 2006 ( 1:43 PM )
i've been tagged by ZAFIRAH (:
7 random things about myself
1) i have cravings for salty stuff when i wake up
2) i am a total suaku
3) i love dogs XD
4) i talk in my sleep
5) i am the eldest child with 2 younger brothers and a younger sister
6) i love walking along the beach
7) i love shopping but i am near always broke
7 things that scare me
1) things with six legs and wings that can crawl on your skin
2) the possibility of me living my life as a lonely old spinster with 7 cats and greying hair
3) suicidal people
4) the idea that everyone's a zombie and i'm the only human on earth and they're all out to get me (which movie was that? =S )
5) failing my exams and not getting what i want in life
6) not being happy
7) death, because then i'd miss everyone so much. i hope reincarnation exists.
7 random songs at the moment
1) kiss me - sixpence none the richer
2) it's raining - rain
3) shakira ft. wyclef jean - hips don't lie
5) jojo - leave
6) kelly clarkson - beautiful disaster
7) faith hill - there you'll be
7 things i like most
1) my pink ring
2) nail polish
3) mentos spearmint
4) cadbury chocolates
5) red roses
6) coffee
7) slippers with NO BACKSTRAP :)
7 people to do this
1) laura tan - cos u hate gayle too. HEEE!
2) agnes - wonder how ur doing? :)
3) cheryl - miss u darling. i'm choping u to go out during the holidays. u better be free, or else! XD
4) cindy - hee. cos i like your shoes. HAHA (does that even count as a reason? LOL)
5) germaine - haha missin u! miss school. :( haha!
6) liyun - hvnt seen u since laura's bdae party. haha. hope u doin fine!
7) iffah - haha so random. cos u so nice. :D
i dont care,
8) martin - pls update yr blog cannn! hahaha do this.
Favourites :
Food- at the moment, i like korean udong. hee. the soup rocks. and i'm one who hates soup.
Song: pop/rock ala kiss me by sixpence none the richer.
Day of the week: friday/sat. hate sunday because it's before monday. HEE.
Current: (hvnt i done this before??)
Mood- happy. and i hvnt drunk coffee yet. :)
Taste- craving for something sweet. after i do this, i'm going to have my coffee. HEE.
Clothes- erm. HAHA snow white and 7 dwarves pyjamas? LOL.
Desktop- see for yourself. haha. a picture speaks a thousand words. but it's getting a little too pink for me lah. shall change it now. hee.

Toenail- dark reddish brownish purplish. its called 'berry exotic'. haha.
Surroundings- table, chair, fan, bunk beds, my stuff..need i list them all out?
Thoughts- oh no, my dad's home. better off the laptop.
Bestfriend- alicia.
Crush- read below lah. haha must i repeat the past? =D LOL
Music- mj.
Cigarrette- i dont smoke. never have, never will. (i think)
Drink- i haven't drunk anything all day. hehe
Car ride- dad's mpv? or last vehicle ride would be bus 159 lo. haha!
Crush- shy lahhhhhhhh... boo! MARTIN LA OK! sheesh. haha! XD
Phone call- errrrrrrr...laura just called and i spoke to her and charlene? lol. and lola called me a bitch again for no reason. hmpfft. lecherous laura.
CD played- rain - it's raining.
Have u ever:
Dated ur bestfriend- do i look lesbian to you? :D
Broken the law- totally.
Been arrested- i don't think so.
Skinny-dipped- hee. no, but i'm up for it.
Been on TV- yeah.
Kissed some1 u dont know- no? i think. haha
5 things i am wearing- pyjamas, bra, panties, pearl earrings...i'm not wearing anything else. HAHA
4 things i have done today- woke up, ate penang mee goreng for brunch, browsed more blogskins, read the newspapers.
3 things i can hear rite now- kiss me by sixpence none the richer :), aeroplane, my brother flipping through his homework book.
1 thing i did when i am bored: watch tv. which i havent done in a long time. i miss the big square box. I NEED MY DOSE OF SPONGEBOB!
"We all need to laugh at ourselves once in a while."
(whips out a pocket mirror, stares at his reflection, and bursts into crazy laughter)
- SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, dated gawd knows when
5 people to tag: lazy to tag lah. anyone who reads this and wants to do, feel free to do it. tag me so i'll know and go read your blog. HAHA.
before i go,
here's an extract from my diary.
yes, i do keep a diary,
i have this vision of myself at 80 yrs old opening a box full of diaries and
laughing/crying/smiling/reminiscing while i read them all one by one.
but recently i've not really been recording my thoughts and everything in my diary,
i've been blogging more,
and there's also soozle's journal
so all my thoughts get filtered elsewhere
and not in my diary where they rightfully belong.
anw, here's an extract, dated 16 june 2006 (ala my birthday):
i finally understand why they say that having a relationship really plagues your thoughts -
it's all you think about, it's all you worry about, it's all that you don't want to think about,
but it's all that's on your mind.
stay happy, people. :)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 ( 6:32 PM )
i just love italics.
i don't know why.
aren't italic words pretty?
i had a pretty bad morning.
i guess today was the first time i realized that too little sleep could actually make you cranky and irritable. because its never happened to me before; in the past, when i only sleep for 2-3 hours,
i'm actually more energetic the next morning
and i'm more awake, though
my eyes will hurt like shit,
but otherwise i'm pretty ok with the little sleep.
but today for some reason my brain refused to
and twice in a row when ms kannan called me for attendance i didn't even hear
i was so lost in my sleepy little world.
i kept dropping my stuff,
didn't pay attention in class (though i doubt anyone really did)
and kept doodling to keep myself awake.
after school i was supposed to go to tp
to hang out with him for a while during his break,
but i was too tired
so i didn't go
though i was kinda looking forward to it. haha.
and i did go home but in the end
i went to laura's house,
but i have no idea what possessed me to go there
because all i did was hook on to her wireless with my laptop
and browse like a million new blogskins.
it's so difficult to find a decent pretty blogskin that hasn't already been downloaded like a gazillion times by other users.
my crankiness had dissolved by lunch,
but i feel kinda bad for not going tp and not resting like i was supposed to,
and going laura's to waste time.
haha. sorry ar, m.
but the irony of it was that i wanted to go find you because i was really tired
both physically and emotionally.
i wanted you to hold me and let me cry,
but i guess it's good that i didn't go
if i did go and i did break down
you'd prolly be so scared
you'd prolly think i'd lost it.
haha. so it's a good thing i didn't go, i guess.
and i don't think i want to talk on the phone either.
there's just so much going on right now
that i havent told anyone, not a soul
my friends might think they know me
all about me
but honestly
you've touched only the surface of what is going on inside my head.
and i feel like crying so bad
like how right now i'm tearing up as i type this
but who can truly understand what i'm going through?
and even if someone does understand,
they won't be able to help.
because while i've been through bad stuff,
this is the big daddy of them all,
the monster boss of all problems.
and this is really anchoring my heart
i can feel it sinking deeper and deeper every second into a bottomless pit.
but no matter how sad i am, or how many tears fall from my eyes,
the problem still won't be solved like i want it to be, right?
so might as well smile, try to forget that it's happening,
and move on bravely right?
tomorrow is the day.
and i hope everything goes well.
once tomorrow is over,
i hope to come home to smiling faces.
if i don't,
i don't know what i'll do.
i really don't.
sorry if i've bored you with all my emo-ing
you're prolly thinking,
"here she is, emo-ing to cyberspace again,"
but i really need to let it out.
Monday, July 17, 2006 ( 2:07 PM )
i did a couple of tests from
i'm a sucker for personality tests
and tests that ask you random and lame and stupid questions
and where they tell you the hidden meaning behind your answers.
here's one i thought was short and interesting:
and i chose..
chocolate on chocolate cake.
i love chocolate. HEEEHEEE :)
Chocolate on Chocolate -
Sexy, always ready to give and receive.
Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate.
You have a cold exterior (i do??)
but are warm on the inside.
Not afraid to take chances.
Will not settle for anything average in life. (yep, that's super true)
Love to laugh.(absolutely)
i'm so bored now. but i refuse to do any work.
i'm just not in the mood to do work,
or go to school.
it's like that every monday.
i'm starting to dread the late classes.
i'd prefer the classes to start at 9 or 10 and end at 3 or 4.
less unearthly hours please.
i've been thinking alot about the relationships in my life and all that,
because to me,
the people in my life is what's most important
i revolve around them.
they're what keeps me grounded
they're the ones who make me happy.
my family, my friends, and him.
but i can't help but feel like i'm not living like to its fullest
like how yesterday i was in my car and everything zoomed past,
and everything looked so blurred.
is it just me, or does anyone else also feel that you're not seeing the bigger picture?
and i wished suddenly that life could just STOP and let me view things from a clearer point of view, let me breathe for a second
without having to worry about what's going to happen in the next second.
the hours, the minutes, the seconds,
it's all going way to fast
but of course,
time waits for no man.
but with school and all the projects and family stuff thats happening,
i need more hours in my day
(doesn't everyone wish for more time?)
just maybe an hour or two would be sufficient
for me just to sit back,
have a cup of coffee,
and THINK about what to do with my life,
and if i'm treating the people dear to me the right way,
if the things i feel are lacking in my life are things i really need.
hmm. oh well. :)
Saturday, July 15, 2006 ( 10:05 PM )
this is my 3rd time blogging again.
i am addicted to this.
*sends herself to mental rehab*
i didn't blog for the past 2 or 3 days i think.
and look,
withdrawal symptoms.
excessiveness much?
stealing people's wireless makes you do funny things.
I HAVE BEEN TAGGED (by cheryl)
1. Do the following WITHOUT complaints
2. Choose 5 person to do this after you completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.
Current Mood: caffeine induced delirium. happy happy X)
Current Taste:
clothes: black. black. more black. :)
fashion: no particular trend.
food: i am steering away from all things spicy after yesterday's incident. eekos.
Current Clothes: erm. tweety bird pyjamas? hahahaha
Current Desktop: some blogskin layout i ripped from its called rock on in style. hee.
Current Toenail Colour: sparkly blue. but im gonna change it to pink/black/silver soon.
Curent Time: 10.14pm
Current Surroundings: sofa, tv, humidity, human beings, oxygen.
Current Annoyances: annoying people, singapore's position on the equator, the lack of an air con in my living room.
Current Thoughts: what the hell the people on suria are saying. and now vasantham central. all hail my dad, the channel surfer.
First Best Friend: alicia :) my first ever friend in pri 1 whose mom became my sis's godmother in 1998, so she is my godsis. hey my sweety pie gf! love u loads!
First Crush: hah. some guy from church. a thing for bad boys i had. (and still have. HEE)
First Music: michael jackson's "i'm bad". man, i love that song. my dad has that LCD (check it out :) and the oldest song and music video i remember is that classic. too bad he's now a white man. :( i rmb thinking he was so hot. hahahaha
Last Cigarette: i don't smoke can. bleah. but i inhale it passively. my parents smoke. boo.
Last Drink: coffee. HEE :)
Last Crush: hmm. my bf lor. hahahah
Last Movie: vcd: harry potter and the goblet of fire (havent watched disc 2)
Last Theatre: x-men 3
Last Phone Call: laura tan. and i was less than 10 metres away.
Last CD played: some china made cd with all my korean drama osts :)
Last song played: SHAKIRA ft. wyclef jean. sidenote: all women around the world hate/want to be shakira because all men lust after this ....... woman. gawd.
Have you ever
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: not really. all of my best friends are girls. unless i was lesbian, i didn't really.
Have you ever broken the law: does jaywalking count?
Have you ever been arrested: uhhh..i don't think so.
Have you ever been on TV: once. on the news. eww.
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: not someone i don't know. ;)
5 things you are wearing: bra, underwear, pink flower ring, pyjamas, pink hairband
4 things you done today: window shopped, went up an escalator, blogged, ate ice cream
3 things you can hear right now: tamil movie, the sound of the fan creaking, my dad talking to my sis who is whining, and water from the sink and the fish tank
1 thing you do when you're bored: call and disturb my friends or bf
i'm tagging:
laura -- cos i freaking LURVE you :) and u better do this, don make me waste my tag, bleah
zafirah -- cos i know you'll do it, u sunshine girl :) hahaha
martin -- happy 3rd month babe. and i'm giving you an excuse to update yr blog!
habez -- quick, quick, update!
esther -- cos i miss u girl!!! :)
me, jewel, laura and siok went to compass to guang guang today.
i miss jewel and siok so much
even though i saw them only last week.
it's true!
absence does make the heart grow fonder. :)
there was this bossini sale going on
and they were going nuts over it
but i didn't even bother to look,
cos a) i am broke
and b) they dont have my size.
but i did see some nice tops,
and internally i was beating myself up over my stupidity,
a voice in my head was going,
so we had lunch at the food court,
which was very memory inducing
all the times i went there and had the laksa (everytime i go there, all i eat is the laksa, its so super shieok lah)
and me and siok went down to get sundaes from mac,
laura dint want to mac anymore cos she watched supersize me.
shopped ard
tried on the seamless triumph bra
but its a f***ing 80 bucks lah
wait til i save up then i go buy :)
wanted to try on random clothes and dresses for the fun of it
but a certain someone put me and laura off
til we dint wanna try anymore.
stupid ass.
siok left early,
and me and jew and lola walked around
and then we went to montip,
and got ourselves similar rings
ala friendship rings
laura - red flower ring
jew - dark pink/cherry flower ring
me - pink flower ring
it matches my nail color.
like, i was in top to toe black
and here i am wearing this pink ring with pink fingernails
ironic, much?
haha :)
but it has grown on me
i love it
and i havent taken it off yet
and i dont ever wish to cos i like it so much now
cos its so cute
and cos it symbolizes our friendship
and i was the one saying
"i'll never wear it out lah,"
and here i am saying
"i'll never take it off!"
:) i love my friends.
martin came over yesterday for a 'meet the parents' session.
and boy, was it weird.
first of all, i personally feel that with me being only 3 months into it,
it's a little quick to meet the parents and all.
but if by doing so,
my mom trusts my company and allows me to be out at a later time of day,
i'm all for it.
met him at ps,
where i realized my ezlink was running short
and i wondered if i had enough to go home
or if i'd be stranded in town :O
honestly, adult fares suck the life outta you. it whacks my money so fast!
sbs really makes money lor. wth.
imagine = every day, millions of commuters taking the train at least twice,
each trip roughly $1.50.
so EVERY FREAKING DAY sbs makes at least
1.5million commuters X $1.50 X 2 trips per commuter
====> $4 500, 000
this is how the singapore govt gets rich. man.
so met him at ps, but we went round and decided to leave for bishan
cos his mom had told him that there was a sale on at samuel & keith
where 2 pants for $50.
but turns out,
2 LADIES PANTS for $50.
we had dinner at the food court.
money suckers
singapore is FULL of cash squeezers
gold diggers
and not in the form of perdy young gals trying to hook up dying billionaires
but in the form of the everyday singaporean.
everything was so expensive.
or maybe i'm just on a tight budget as usual. heh
haha :)
had super flaming hot chili padi burning fishball noodles.
i had stomach upset today because of it.
i have a sensitive stomach
and i cant take spicy stuff
or too spicy stuff at one go
but i don't care
because i'd rather enjoy my food
and suffer later :)
so we took the bus back
and along the way we were pretty nervous
i wanted to take a detour around the neighbourhood before going home,
because i didnt want to bring him home so quickly.
but he wanted to get it over and done with
and i guess he was super tired, because he'd been out since morning,
school, work and now meeting gf's parents,
so i brought him home without detour lor.
come to think of it,
even if i did do a detour,
you also wont know what.
hahahahahaaha :P
and omg
whammy whammy
when i reached my block
i saw my dad's car
which means he's at home
but doodoo
so qiao,
as i walked nearer i saw my dad coming out from the car
why so coincidence one!
wanted to hide
but my dad saw me already
so my dad and him had a premature meeting
under my block
the meeting went pretty smoothly,
tho at some points there was silence and nobody said anything
and it jus felt so awkward.
and some points me and him were whispering
tho i dont know why we were whispering,
hello, at home!
haha :)
introduced everyone to him (yes it was a fine day when EVERYONE was at home, dad,mom,4siblings,grandparents)
and then after a round of typical qns,
martin decided to leave for home.
and my parents are ok with it,
they're happy
he's happy (are u?? :O hahahaha :)
and i'm happy.
my days start and end with one thought - of you
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 ( 11:05 PM )
though i can't remember what about you.
your face is blurred in the vision of my dreams.
i feel so weird. call u so many times today. haha. paiseh. haha.
i've been having a rough week.
monday sucked.
tuesday was slightly better.
today was just boring. spent kannan's lecture doodling on paper.
tomorrow i am going to flunk soozle's. and i am going to start on bong's web-based thingy.
i drank coffee today. but amazingly i feel sleepy now.
and its only 11.15?
i think my body's adversion to coffee is finally wearing off.
i only ate one meal the entire day. again. haha.
missing you
Monday, July 10, 2006 ( 4:39 AM )
watching world cup finals now.
i cant believe what zidane did. what the hell.
it was so stupid.
and my dad says that this is his retirement match
20 mins into extra time??
go my dear hao lian italian goalkeeper!
ITALY WONNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe laura now owes me a mac breakfast.
went to cheryl's party yesterday.
before that,
stupid me was supposed to meet my bf at 3.15 under his block,
and i boarded the bus to his house
and i was going to be right on time
but at 3.12,
i realised
yes. i know.
so i dropped at HOUGANG STADIUM
and walked all the way back to my house, (IN FREAKING HEELS!!)
which was a good 30 minutes away,
because i didn't want to waste time waiting for the bus
and another round of bus fare down the drain.
and i got a little lost halfway walking under the blocks,
because there was some construction obstructing the pathway,
and at the end of it all i received at least 4 blisters on each foot. :(
by the time i reached home my face was as red as a tomato.
and because my phone isn't working,
i couldn't call out to inform my bf
the whole time i was so worried that he would get pissed at me. =X
and at 3.45 i left for the bus stop again,
which is also a fair distance from my place.
reached my bf's block a little after 4,
and i saw the msg he sent me (i only cant send or call out)
that he went to buy smth nearby and asked me to meet him there
but i was clueless and phoneless
so i went to the mama shop and asked the uncle for a phone.
and then i found out where to go,
and i left,
was a block away from where i was supp to meet him
$^@#! AGAIN!
so i had to run back
fearing the loss of my wallet
which contains all my vital stuff!
and thank god it was still there,
but people must have thought i was nuts,
running up and down like that.
so i finally met him,
and we took a bus to heartland,
where we met miss i-owe-cherylene-a-mac-breakfast and jewel.
and at 5.30 we made our way to cheryl's place,
halfway grace offered to wear my heels for me
cos she said i really was walking too slow.
the uphill climb to cheryl's place was daunting enough
and my feet wanted to detach themselves like
that osim massage chair commercial
we had to walk some more to her auntie's apartment.
anyway, feet torture aside,
i had a nice time at the party.
caught up with all my old friends and had fun catching up with them.
*winks at alicia and jamie*
hahaha :)
got splashed by jewel.
walked barefoot the whole time.
had a nice time chowing down all those sausages with grace.
and rocking the 17yr old birthday girl on my knee.
somebody organise another party can?
Saturday, July 08, 2006 ( 9:41 AM )
and YOU gave the pig alternate egos too.
i would just like it to be named orlando bloom.
is it a crime?
Friday, July 07, 2006 ( 8:27 PM )
martin regrets giving me the link to
see, i don't have mtv. i don't have cable.
so it was my first time seeing that music video.
she is so damn sexy, i can't stand it.
doodoo la she.
give the rest of us females a chance can?
quit moving yr hips.
it's a love hate relationship. if i were lesbian, i would marry shakira.
but fortunately/unfortunately i am not.
went to laura's place today to rot.
painted my toenails a pretty blue.
talked and talked.
had a nice time squashing her toy pig (I DECLARE THE PIG "******")
and then we went to macs
cos i was suddenly craving fries,
and laura wanted to drown her sorrows in chocolate sauce.
so we went to macs,
and laura had 3 packets of mayo (OMG)
and she still can say i would consume so much fat from my curry sauce.
haha :)
cant wait for cheryl's party tmr.
going to see all my friends again.
i l o v e that thought.
queiro hacerle se vuelve loco
Thursday, July 06, 2006 ( 7:13 PM )
my english is going down the drain.
today in class, i said:
..."where's they?"
omg la. haha. when did my english drop so bad?
she sells seashells by the seashore.
she markets delicately and intricately carved shells she found on the pristine beach as the wailing waves rolled in, and set up her tiny, cramped stall along the water's edge.
ok. that makes me feel better.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006 ( 11:45 PM )
kannan cancelled her lecture this morning.
and i went to school with laura,
went to d403,
went into the gloriously air-conditioned room,
and jac: "class is cancelled leh."
i wish kannan would give us earlier notices.
i fell into depression in the afternoon when i suddenly found that
i could not get my wireless to work.
i couldn't connect.
i freaked.
i spent two hours trying.
reading through technical jargon.
getting closer to myopia.
and then i got so depressed i decided to sleep it off.
hoping that maybe by the time i woke up
a) the laptop would magically cure itself, and
b) the laptop would sense my sadness, take pity on me and turn the wireless back on.
quite obviously,
none of the above happened.
my depression/PMSing continued until 8, when
i began to get engrossed in finishing bong.
it ended when i sent bong to charlene and martin called.
and a half hour ago:
my mom calls me stupid
("so smart study so hard so high education and don't even know how to read the manual")
because all i had to do was flick the little button behind the lappie
from OFF to ON.
and yes. it enabled my wireless.
*smiles gleefully*
on any other day, any cancellation of class would make any student from any school from any course happy.
hee. i stayed up till 3+am to finish my critique on kelly clarkson.
and woke up before 6 to finish up and print.
lol. miracles do happen. HEEEHEEE.
jus wish i could get back to sleep.
have you ever wondered what your life would be like without any one person in your life?
like, say if i didn't have laura in my life.
or cheryl.
or martin.
or joan.
i really cannot imagine life without at least being able to speak to them.
it would really be strange without them.
i've gotten so used to having them around, and speaking to them on a regular basis.
i don't speak to jewel on a regular basis anymore.
or grace.
or siok.
or carol.
but i'll always be there for them if they need me.
i cant wait for cheryl's party. so i can see all my old friends again.
i guess that all these people are pieces of the puzzle. without them, i'm incomplete in a way.
i really cannot concentrate.
like, freak lah.
i think i don't have enough sleep.
*shakes fist*
haha :)
i'm not even halfway through my marketing critique.
i'm not even sure what i'm supposed to do. (SWOT, that it? *blur look*)
i've only completed the intro to kelly clarkson. which i took a
freaking 4 hours to do. (what the hell is wrong with me??) in the middle of which,
i was slacking. hurhur.
halfway thru the strengths.
was trying to elaborate on my points but i just stared at the screen.
it was exactly like when i tried to study the respiratory system/nutrition/digestion/whatever crap at 3.30am for any of my bio exams.
or when i tried to read through the SS textbook at 2am.
i would jus zone out while reading.
*lack of sleep*
i figure that after getting words down on my blog,
my head will be cleared and i will be able to focus.
or at least,
i hope so.
and martin: as promised,
i will now cause a tsunami.
haha. happy snoring, people.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 ( 7:34 PM )
the keyboard at school was loose and i couldn't type anything.
i'm feeling really anti-social now. this is one of the features that come along in my PMS package.
and i realized that 2 things really affect my sociability and mood:
1. whether or not my voice is warmed up. some days i wake up with a voice so good i could sing at the top of my lungs (or not =X).
other days i just wake up with a sore voice that is not warmed up enough,
and which cracks or squeaks each time i speak.
on these days, i refrain from speaking.
2. and what i wear. if i dress crappily, i feel crappy.
if i wear something nice, i feel pretty ok.
clothes do maketh the man.
BONG IS DRIVING ME INSANE. (not in that way, oh please)
in class now.
bong just gave us the brief for ica3.
yay. we have until thursday to finish bong's ica2.
not wednesday.
haha :)
i was freaking because otherwise i had my marketing critique to finish BY TONIGHT as well.
Sunday, July 02, 2006 ( 11:58 PM )
ok, this is my third post today. im trying to do my work but i keep getting sidetracked.
i have stuff to say after reading everyone's blogs.
to HIM:
you know you're hated when an entire class revolts against you. even me.
im sure everyone knows who i'm talking about.
i feel sorry for you, from the deepest crevasse within my heart. because talking to you, i know you're a nice person.
but it's just how you present yourself when you do the things you do. it's how you ask people for academically-related favours, and how you pass them off as your own.
whether or not you actually have valid reasons, rethink your course of action.
if u actually read this, i hope you change.
as a friend, i'm TELLING you to change.
before it all collapses and kills you and before you know it, the world wasn't the way it had seemed to you before.
and that will destroy you.
im not just trying to be nice here. but honestly, as classmates and sort of competitors we should spur each other to do your best.
and you aren't.
perhaps you don't realize it. but its high time you should.
break out of your naive little bubble.
i'm sorry if i sound mean. but frankly, it's for your own good.
perhaps i'm one of the few people (or only one, for that matter) who STILL believes that you aren't all that evil.
but circumstances are causing me to see things from a different angle,
and i've almost completely lost that belief.
i feel so guilty for
BITCHING about ppl
LOSING contact
GOING too far
MAKING my siblings and parents cry
NOT LIVING up to my potential
NOT BEING the best person i could be.
i read laura's latest post. and i felt like crying.
cos its happening to me too, pretty much. same friends, same problem, same narrow-minded parents.
the following is taken from laura's blog.
17 is when I watch your friends, who have braved through the toughest storms and fires with me over the past 4 years slowly disappear and don't bother to contact me at all.
17 is when I see all my buddies entangle themselves in the messy web of love for the very first time and for the first time in my rather self-opinionated life, I have nothing to say or can do.
17 is when I finally find juggling school work and friends and parents taking a toll on me. It's just so difficult to stay in contact with ALL your friends no matter how much you want to. Or how much they want to for a fact.
it's just sad.
for the full post, go to laura's blog.!43A8F6C78702E77B!920.entry?txtName=lene&blogcs=end
not so much floating when i think about the icas that i still have yet to finish.
but..floating when other stuff come to mind. :)
do you float too, joan? haha or is it just me?
hmmm. i'm so tempted to pon school tmr la. all laura's fault. she said this morning that she's not feeling well and wants to absent herself tmr. and i dont blame her - she's not feeling well.
but ur a bad influence, laura tan.
see la.
i also don't wanna go school liao.
haha :)
but do i have a freaking choice?
school and its dictators. eekos.
Saturday, July 01, 2006 ( 9:30 PM )
what the hell.
i think all the singapore idol contestants suck.
*sticks tongue into throat*
ANYWAY. i just realized that i have my marketing critique to do.
and i have to finish up my marketing, AND bong's grp prjs.
*all hopes of a free and easy sunday zooms out the window*
my brother is trying to educate me on the difference between ronaldo and ronaldino. (is it even spelt correctly?) and i'm trying to shoo him off but he keeps sticking his world cup poster/match record sheet into my face.
and now he tells me its r o n a l d i n H o.
(find one for me too!)
hahaahaa heeeeeeee :)m(:
hahahahahahhaahahaahaha :)
disclaimer: the contents of this post is entirely and completely fictional. (except for the part about my brother and ronaldinho's paycheck, omg) all efforts have been made to ensure that the author does not promote or pursue the negative concept of infidelity.